1.Change between public and personal life.
2.Is your own personal perspective at any time.
3.By what others tells you.
Your self worth has an important piece of the mental self-awareness that you recognize about your self and can motivate yourself to improve that. Your self worth is your own personal perspective about yourself as a whole according to your own personal experiences and because of what you think that others think about you, even though it can be just in your mind and has no attach with reality due to your self-image that you hold. Your self worth determine only by you, that is why it is self worth and has nothing to do with how others think about you, but your control about what you put into all of that. Your personal perspective of your self-worth is for you only, and it is not something that you can show or prove to others, only that it will be reflected by the way that you behave and act with others. Each one hold their own individual parameters table that is guiding by, and therefor different from the person that you are with. Identifying your self-worth help to control your Solar Plexus Chakra where major part of your emotions is drive from. Your Heart chakra become the main target of yourself to make sure that it is in a healthy place. Other Chakra section can be effected accordingly. The level of your personal criticism about yourself has a significant roll : self judging, guilt, shame, not accepting yourself, feel that you are judge by others, not worthy or don’t deserve. One good way to check this with your emotions is in the following way: reflect on your past and ask yourself what kind of emotions comes up? the next step is to reflect on your future and sense what type of emotions are standing in front of your future? are they different from those that you were able to see regarding your past? for most of you the answer is yes, so the conclusion for you is what do you feel that you need to do at the present in order to restore balance? if the future holds more low thoughts and emotions, what from the past can be as a good reminder for the self support that you need? if the past has more low thoughts and low emotions then the future, that can be a positive sign for the positive shift that you are leading your life to. You need to give also an objective perspective about certain things beside your emotions that can also influence your personal view of your self-worth in a wrong way: High self expectation which at the moment can not be complied or match because of the present reality, Feeling the need to be perfect all the time, Your environment is different from your willingness to fit in or to be involve with, Desire to be acceptance by others for the wrong reasons. The sooner that you will admit to yourself about your personal self worth you are inviting self-acceptance at this present self awareness and holding a place for inner peace because of that acceptance. Then you have done most of the job and after that is to ask yourself what you need to do to keep it in a good level or what you think that you can do to bring it up. As you gain clarity between the flat simple reality of that, to the illusion / imagination which is not true, you are able to see within yourself the strength to move mountains. You are worthy and I believe that your self worth is higher then what you see in yourself.