Your Heart emotions influence and effect (Choose yours):

1.More than one aspect of you.

2.The way you will drink your coffee.

3.The condition of your Heart.



Your physical body has within, the organs that help that machine which called the body to work as one unified unit. You don’t see what is within you, but you agree that those organs do exist.  This body fuel itself by few things: food, air, a level of energy, water, and more, and each of those types respond to provide the body with what its needs. Just as you don’t see the organs but aware that they are part of you, also beside the physical body there are few other energetic bodies around your physical body, and in parallel to those energetic bodies, the soul it self is part of 5 levels, which each level tie to a certain energetic body and has also connection to specific organs of the body. Here we will talk about  3  of those 5 spiritual parts.
Between the many organs in the body the Heart is the essential part of this whole system. When the fetus is developing the first organ that is created in the womb is the Heart. Therefore, the heart is more than a center place in the body but the Heart is the cornerstone, which from it everything else can stand on, effect by, hold to. The Heart is the host for what is known “the spirit”. Below that, in a different organ (the liver) host what is known as the low level as the “beastly” part. Above the Heart, in a certain place of the brain reside the root of “the soul”. So the spirit is between the Soul to the beastly spiritual essence.
When the emotions of your Heart are with low vibrations such as anger, sadness, rage, unhealthy emotions, negativity, dishonest and more, all this, as a heavy wind, only move the spirit down, to be close to the beastly part, and as a result to act by the beastly level, from a place of a heavy physical aspect about everything that life has to offer, to hold only to the material levels in life, to feel the heaviness of the world on the shoulders, to feel disconnected from the self, not able to feel what real love can feel like from within, to attract difficult situations that will only bring the individual more down with how they will experience life, only because the beastly part, in that low level, become more dominated and pull the whole system down.
On the other hand, when the emotions of your Heart are with high vibrations such as happiness, joy, compassion, forgiveness, love, unconditional love, self-love, healthy emotions, positivity and such, all this move the spirit like a light wind up up to be driven by the root of the soul which is above. And that will result to live life from a place of movement of the physical body which the thoughts, the emotions, the feelings are more productive, more influential, effective and prompting benefits to the whole different units of the individual in the physical level, spiritual level and in the energetic level, while the spirit, which is within the heart has a better freedom to stay in high levels of positive vibrations, understanding the meaning of a good quality of life what does it means, able to detach Herself from any materialistic things, stay away from any type of negative activities, and providing Herself to be in service for the individual highest well-being and humanity.
The way to see it, is as if the spirit, as it hold her dwelling within the heart, moves as a pendulum between the two others, and stay in that direction by the level of her emotions. You can always find ways to let the wind blow good positive energy that will keep you grounded, yet energetic and spiritually light and in connection with your higher-self. This will only will create a better flow of energy within the body and will open the law of attraction to work in that direction as well.