You find yourself moving forwards with your life base on your (Choose yours):

1.Thoughts, Emotions and Memories.

2.Feelings of fear, stress and worry.




Life provide to each one of us, with every new day, an opportunity for growth, change, new beginnings. Life will give each one of us the challenges that we need to handle, which those challenges usually are not part or something that we plan to face, or neither one of us can even predict those challenges to be part of our life. Both of those 2 aspects, are serving you with a good purpose of learning to know yourself better and to understand your skills and abilities to handle anything that you face in your life. It is important to pay attention how do you approach each situation while not letting feelings of fear, stress or worry to take away your Heart center place.
When we move forwards in life each one needs specific tools to help with the progress. While on one hand those tools can be something physical that assist you with what you are looking to create, on the other hand, there is a set of unique tools that are very much close to your Heart center, and with the positive intention you allow your inner bag of tools to empower you from within, providing you the skills to handle in a good way what is in front of you. Ask yourself if you are moving forward base on your beliefs only? If so, that is not enough because it is base on what you see from only one angle with a very short perspective. Belief is not related to faith, as it is with each one mind, but can be motivated by different reasons to influence the action one should take.
Pay attention to the whole system of your thoughts, emotions and memories, which need to come not from a deficient place, but from a place of self-awareness regarding what is in front of you, and not holding something down. When it’s in low or high vibration of thoughts, emotions or memories, its effect your DNA and your energetic field. Using from the tool bag of your Heart center the good vibrations of Thoughts, emotions and memories, will open a better path of direction for you to move forward. With those positive thoughts, emotions and memories you will also find yourself connecting and communicating with others inĀ  a clear good positive way. We communicate intellectually as well as effectively, but we communicate directly in energetic surfaces always with every one that involve in our life.
Therefore, assume nothing; When you were knowledge-less, the hidden possibilities for any wisdom for you to gain, were incomplete and open to learn and understanding. This has not changed for you today. It is only that today you can redefine the questions so you can open yourself for a deeper perspective of understanding and knowledge.

Also be aware of not holding to the past for so long. It is not mean that the only way to move forward is by letting go for certain things. Sometimes you can still move forward with a positive attitude and positive approach, while putting aside those certain things which has affect you not in a good way, but for now your attention and Heart center Energy must be to work through what is in front of you, and to deal with what you need to handle at this present moment, in order to allow the positive change to start and to take action in your life and to become your new reality. Once your feet will be in a healthy grounded territory, where you feel connected with yourself, with better self awareness and clarity, than you will be able even to deal with something from your past in a very easy way, from the new healthy place that you have come to find, just like flushing down the toilet.

When you hold to your Heart center tools bag of good set of thoughts, emotions and memories, then you will be able to look at the big picture and to find new hidden details, which so far you have been avoiding looking for, or ignoring some direction which always was showing to you in your big picture directly to where you truly need to continue your journey. Moving from your Heart center with those positive set of tools bag, will make your personal work less heavy or not as difficult to handle, which only then you can come to a realization that your dimension that you have look at things was only through the keyhole that you have chosen and now it is time to open your way for beyond what you limit yourself all the time. It is the truth within the truth. Like that your Energetic filed will be filled with growth and positive self-worth.