Why to quiet the mind during meditation: (choose yours)

1. It is always challenging to find that inner peace.

2. Take away from the whole experience.

3. Can create that with spiritual resolution.

4. ……………………………

It is not natural to quiet the mind. let us accept that first. From here on maybe by understanding one reason for this work to happen and what it can invite for your experience. Don’t fight this experience. Don’t judge yourself for not being able to stay in a quiet mind. Understand that the more that you will allow and accept this noise to show it self and acknowledge what comes, then the shift will start to happen more naturally. Step by step the tune will be more clear, more serene, giving your soul to share from a peaceful place something that is pure and have no attachment to any desire of what the body use to. This is when the soul can create the language only for you to elevate your self from your body. Connect with your inner validation. Provide your personal affirmation, affirming the connection between your soul to your body while allowing your soul to finally express herself. That is why when you quiet the mind it finally start to give your soul the space to speak up, so don’t blame your self at the beginning for not being able to quite the mind. It is in the first stage where so much of what your soul is facing, challenging, experiencing, debating and trying hard to help the body, that you hear. All that noise is mainly because of the distance between your body to your soul. Like a child that giving the opportunity for the first time to express herself, words coming in a rush. Take a slow deep breath. Breath deeply. Also at the beginning, which can be a long time of practice for you or even few time of meditations, all this noise that you have carry for such a long time is coming up to the surface, The more you will practice to pray/ meditate the more you will be able to lead your mind to inner peace and create the space for the soul to be in the center of this experience. The more you practice, the deeper it first take you to places that your body experience and then, according to your level, at some point the nirvana will present itself so the soul will start communicating with you more clearly.

If you are not so custom to pray/meditate accept that at first you will experience the noise in your mind. By acknowledging that, accepting that, allowing that, allow yourself to liberate your mind from the heavy issues that have been ignored or interrupt and slowly but surely through the constant practice less and less of that noise will show itself and then, only then, when the soul vibrate through your mind in a blissful inner peace you can allow your soul to work better with you .
When you understand that what you are trying to achieve is by learning to quiet the mind you are allowing the potential of your soul a place and purpose to represent herself to you from a clear place, then you understand better the first goal that you need to find the path through the forest of your thoughts to the place where there you will stand in front of your soul.
So next time you try to quiet your mind and not able to, try “NOT” to think about a green monkey that is riding on a pink elephant (those specific colors). Try to ignore the green monkey with the pink elephant (at some point this will be explain to you by me).