When experiencing negative emotions, you should (Choose yours):

1.Enjoy them as much as possible.

2.Remove them quickly as you want to remove a tumor from your body.

3.Find someone to blame it for that.

4.  ……………………………………….


Major part of each one life moves with the motions of your emotions. Like waves in the ocean, so are the emotions that rise and fall, calming emotions or stormy ones. While certain emotions provide you with a strong positive stability, there are emotions that are so toxic for you, and like a tumor that grow within, the sooner you remove those emotions from your life, the better you will be. letting negative emotions to entertain your life, will only shorten your life and the quality of your longevity. It is only up to you to identify the company of unhealthy emotions that slowly, like a tumor, only killing you from inside.

What are emotions? Emotions are your heart imprint expression of your spirit. The heart is the place where the spirit is dwelling and from the heart, those emotions speaks out. For feelings are the soul expression through the body. Hence, your gut-feeling speaks that connection. Therefore, your emotions are the reflection of what your Heart holds by your spirit, simply that. Once you identify those emotions that eating you from inside, doing no good for you, hurting you more then they can hurt others, you must look from within to the opposite emotions, the positive ones that will prove to be the healthy sources that you lead your life with. There is in most life events your path to understand the choices that are in front of you with which emotions you decide to walk today. Not every emotion needs to be written into your life story, as your life chapters better hold only the emotions you grow through in prosperity. That emotional growth will present strong good emotions that build your compassion while other emotions build your character in each chapter of your life story. The reaction to the consciousness mind doesn’t always represent the truth that the Subconscious Soul holds. In other words, sometimes you feel to react to something that you feel, but the fact is that there is an underlying issue that is causing and affecting you to behave like this. Recognize what govern your emotions instead of what dominates your emotions. It’s how we respond to life when unexpected things happen, need to take deep deep breathing sometimes to make sure that if we can’t control the outcome, at least we can control ourselves. Our strength comes from exercising our patience over and over and over, while staying focused on love during the process, instead of stress or hate. While some memories stubbornness to stay, doesn’t request the means of self crusade for resurrection. Those painful emotional memories grow older to thorns network of suffering with suffocation.

It’s the unfortunate of how negative emotions take over your life by repeating use and become a shelter or a hideaway from what you must face and remove. For each poisoned emotion there is a remedy emotion that is sustainable and can be your fortress not your refuge. Removing your emotional tumor once and for all, such as: Anger. Sadness. Jealousy. Loneliness. Judgment. Anxiety. Ego. Guilt. Shame. Bitterness. Fear. Hate. This is a short example of unhealthy emotions that putting you into self-suffering, misery and your own prison, the void of the understanding that there is something bigger than the self. Association with suffering is the result of the attachment of the burdened emotion. Seek the friendship of positive emotions that provide peace and generosity. Abandon the friendship of emotions that invite remorse and sickness.

Hate needs a short screen play, but love seeks to be validate by long life story.  Anger can lead to revenge, hate, a deep state of poison malice. Anger blind you from being able to see the peace in stormy times. When you are able to be calm, you stay neutral and able to observe the situation with clarity and deeper fairness. Anger takes away your personal self-control and throws you to emotional pain. Joy opens the door for compassion, acceptance, and self-acceptance. Constance fear grow in to overwhelming unstable life, which lead to insecurity and pessimism. Self hatred express the idea of failure that lead to self doubt and then depression. Low-self-esteem take one to become a victim of their own self that hold to loneliness. Silliness, in times, expresses a sense of adventure and freedom. Happy person hold a positive, peaceful approach with life. Lovable person offers both unconditional Love and self-Love.

For each emotion, there is a formula that has some percent of how you view yourself, and some percent of how you letting others influence their perception of you. The important is that you raise the percentage of how you view yourself while staying humble and sensitive for the outside world. Own each moment of your life voyage while you navigate safe through your emotions.

What emotions would you choose to echo from your Heart to the world? Observe for yourself what your chances might be, by devoting your path life with positive emotions, and the changes you can make in your life as well as in others.