When can you have false motivation (Choose yours) :

1. when it is not from a pure Heart intention.

2. The motive has a condition.

3. It came from a low emotions state.



For each one of you with the choices to live your life, you find a reason to make, create, study, work, travel and so on, in order to get that. That reason is one kind of a motive which gives you the motivation to go full force, and to accomplish that.  However, sometimes without your awareness you can be motivate by a false motivation, which doesn’t apple or stand with your core values or intention. You might find yourself later, after you have been involve in doing so, but having in your Heart the notion and feeling that it was not a something that you would like to put yourself connected by this type of motivation, for its wrong reasons that are not part of you.

Sometimes, the motivation comes from the desire for approval from your parents or one of them. Unknowingly, you keep driving yourself under pressure, only because of past years of experiences where you are always told that what you are doing is not right, not good enough, not a job , etc”. Yet, now, in your adult life , in the back of your mind there is still the need to get the approval of your parents. The question is: When will that ever stop? till when? and at what cost of your authentic life you now seek to haveMotivation as a source for competition will lead you to make mistakes after mistake. Trying to be bigger than everyone else, greater than everyone else, only will drain you out and will drag you down to an attachment of something different then who you are. It will keep you far away from the reason to tell to yourself who are you, and how from within your pure Heart you can express it, freely with no attachment. Put your goals for achievement, so the original intention remains the same and leads you for best results with everyone, from your pure Heart center.Hate or purpose to get even with someone else only tells you, that you have failed to stay in your path. Jealousy, envy, anger, guilt, fear and other low emotions create negative motive that provide wrong doing especially for you. If in times you feel in one of those low emotions, it better first to take care of yourself, to free and clean yourself from that. Low emotions can be for someone as a reason to do something. That motive will only deplete and drain that person energy. Because of those low emotions that driving them, it will never be enough and they will never be satisfied with what they created, as with those low emotions they still hold towards the ones who they feel resent to.

Motivated to impress someone can happen in two ways: one, when you think that if you will do something for that someone so they can like you or acknowledge you. Two: when you agree to do something for someone because they ask you to, even though in your Heart it doesn’t feel right. Both has a condition that shouldn’t be at all. Both ways disorder your foundation and your root Chakra system. This will create in you a false self, low self esteem, low self worth, and will take away your authentic self, so you will lose more then what you to give. Motivation is the reason, the explanation for your personal dreams, wishes, desires, which none of them should be condition to something or to someone. When you are motivate yourself in a false way, you only strip off your own self-worth, self-esteem, and will result on not able to have self love or not able to be kind to yourself. Someone can spend hours comparing their life portfolio to someone else, not as a source to understand how to better themselves, but to make sure that they will be best than everyone. This will take away from you to be able to feel or live in the moment, and the result will be that you will keep trying and trying to live someone else life, but not to live your true life. Motivated by how you view the world: is the whole world against you or, or is the whole world supporting you?

Motivated by the goal to have lots of money is not a motivation Money should not be the driving reason to be motivated. Money is energy, and it works with your intention. Money as energy, only happen as a result and as an answerer to your energetic vibrations to the real motivation that you have been taken by. Therefore, by building from within the proper motivation, with its pure intention, and no conditions, it will only give fruits of good value money.

Motivation comes to each one of you by the way you start your morning. Even not wanted to get up from is a form of motivation, a negative motivation. In so many ways, the way you get up from your bed set the tone for your whole day with its values. Motivation comes from your Solar Plexus system, and if it is consumed by energy that is not in alignment with your purpose, it will start to disconnect your other ENERGY wheels. Therefore, take time to cleanse, purify not only your Heart, but also your Solar Plexus Wheel, so nothing will stay in the way from you, to be able to see freely, independently what are the true motivations to help come in touch, closer to your pure authentic self.