Unconditional Love from you : (choose yours)

1.Every thing has a price.

2.Can show weakness.

3.Must have a link to something.



Big part of living your life from a place of balance is by having the ability to practice Unconditional Love. Practicing Unconditional Love is a choice that once you practice that on a daily basis it become part of your pure good nature to care, respect, honor and love. This will deepen the core well-being of yourself and support your Heart Chakra to be protected. As this practice starts by giving Unconditional Love to yourself in any level of energetic aspects that you can breath into your life. Very soon you will see how easy some decisions making will come from a safe place and not from a place of stress, fear or less belief of yourself, just because how you infuse your self-image and self-esteem with unconditional love. As you open the flow of that energetic vibration to manifest through you then you are able to share and to give this Unconditional Love to those that can benefit from that and those who are not aware just because of the story of their life. As you will practice Unconditional Love you will gain some valuable lessons of the richness about you that you or anyone else can tell you, as you are bridging along with your higher self to a deeper clarity. This is a simple choice that can open ways, remove blockages, increase connection and assist with healing in physical as well as emotional. Unconditional Love provide you the view from your 3rd eye Chakra to have bigger acceptance for all walks of life without the need to find your connection to that individual, but for the simple reason that this is the jewel that can be share especially in difficult times. This is where compassion will find its place, where grace can open its wings, where peace in your life be unit with the spiritual peace that dwell within. Using Unconditional Love in your daily life will help you feel more connected with everything and those that you seeks. The results will provide you better grounding overall your Chakra system due to the security you are holding within by this practice. Understanding that this gift of Unconditional Love is at reach of each one of mankind and absolutely priceless but so valuable for the ones that you give as it strengthen the circles that humanity can have and create strong foundation to evolve. Sending you Blessings for your day with Unconditional Love.