To start something new in life: (choose yours)
  1. Never work for me.
  2. Too much work and effort.
  3. Everyone else need to change.
  4. …………………

When you know that you want to create a shift to where your life will move to, it can be confusion when you don’t know where to start from. Moments that you will look at other people life but later realize that for you it never works, thinking that only big changes can make the ability for transition to take form, having a perspective of your situation only with your point of view, being push by those around you to take actions which not really applying to what you see, trying to take steps with new things instead of analyzing the obvious that is staring at you, putting the same effort only to see that no change is happening.

Usually we need to work from inside to outside. However there can be those moments when actually if we act in our environment first, we will sub consequences remove the emotions logs that stopping us. Remind yourself to be part of your own solution so like that you understand that there is no problem, only a challenge with a solution. Act now to be the first to motivate yourself. Can there be a place for you to see your passion start and take shape? What steps do you take to spiritual empower yourself daily?