To meet your whole self, you need to know (Choose yours) :

1.The different energetic bodies you have.


3.How to hold yourself.



The body of each one is more then your physical body that you see in the mirror. In fact, beside your physical body you also have a spiritual body and an energetic body fields, which all those actually are around your Soul, which is in the center of your being. Just like the physical body has many organs, so are the others has their “organs”. From here, the understanding is that two aspects of energy actually governing to assist and support the physical body. Each one also has its feminine energetic body, and it masculine energetic body within any level. The Soul is a spiritual being that arrive here to earth to have a human experience, and not the other way around  This system whether visible to the naked eye or not, is yours as a whole, and you should view, be aware and understand each one, so you will be able to take care for your whole self, and more important, becoming connect with the pure propose of your Soul and act from that inner place to do what your life here has meant for you to do.


There is the physical body that has its own rhythm of need for nourishment as well as desires to answer feelings, emotions, and thoughts. Parallel to the body, there is the spiritual body that is seeking for the nourishment that is balancing everything, as well as trying to fulfill the soul desires of feelings, emotions, and thoughts. The difference between what the body wants to what the spiritual body wants can be something that needs an alignment to restore and awakening the inner peace, so the body will feel satisfied, content, peaceful and in control, without the constant hunger for any of the earthly needs or because of not feeling good enough or feelings of missing out. The energetic body fields hold with in its fields the memories from past life, the energetic imprint from past life activities that can help you here, but also those past life activities that brought you here to learn your life lessons and to repair something that was not accomplish in past life.


The Soul was the one that has chosen her body, that specific body that you see in the mirror every day, base on the past life that the soul has been to, with the idea that in this body the Soul will be able to do the life lessons she was asked to do, and to take on the growth and transformation that the Soul want to achieve while using this temporary body, in her long energetic spiritual being. The Soul as she holds all the energetic levels together, also has the physical body originally made out of energy, as every is around us is a form of energy, just like the world itself at the moment of the big bang was actually a force of energy.


We are born uncompleted because we came here to learn certain lessons, to do a physical work that will elevate into an energetic level and will result in completing what the Soul was ask to do. Keeping the company of the Heart to stay open provides the lust for living life to the fullest, as your Heart provide the love vibration and energy to each part, cell, organ or energetic system. Understanding each of the energetic levels, for their properties, from the physical to the level of the Soul, will help to fulfil life purpose with more ease and intention.
The need to share ourselves with the other is in order to be the recipient for what they are able to offer to us, as you can offer something, that only you can offer to the other one like nobody else. Pay attention to the progress in your life, so you can collect good points and understand where to move yourself to, from your Heart center.
You are being kind with yourself with out forcing yourself to be always perfect. Like that, you are present in what is in front of you, as you seek to act from your Heart place where you can create the space for the Soul to guide you. You become more involved with the process of your growth, and not defeating the purpose of your learning or creating, from what your spiritual being is here to have for her human experience. I hope that you can see that everything has provided for you to achieve growth and blooming heart energy, to know yourself in all the beautiful levels, and to turn the page for the new chapter in your life.