The way you end your day (Choose yours) :

1.By closing the eyes.

2.In front of T.V, Social media.

3.Scanning your whole self.



The end of your day have come, and you are getting ready like every night to close your day, close your eyes, so you can rest and get ready for the next day. At evening time, when you are getting ready to bed you need to have a healthy behavior too, a type of ritual that will help you to get to sleep in a much better way. You need to have a regular routine, a system every evening, that by practicing and doing this kind of exercise it only help to make you feel better, relax and really ready to sleep.
First, With your eyes close, take some slow deep breathing into your lungs and clear your lungs several times. Now start to scan your physical body from head to toe to check how is your body feeling, where is it not comfortable for your body and so on.
Scan your thoughts, emotions, and feelings, and understand that all those not needed to be at this moment taking your attention in a deep way. View the day that have past and ask yourself how do you think your day went? Check your day behavior through your activities, and how you handle things?
Ask yourself if there is any forgiveness that is needed to be express from your Heart center, either to yourself, to someone that you aware or to even someone that you unaware that need forgiveness from you. Is it something that you still will need to take some actions in order to fix it? if so, that is important that you will know this with your Heart center, and to plan accordingly.
Remember to tell yourself something good that happen for you during this day. You want to reassure yourself that you keep holding to the half glass full, and you don’t seek to remember what you didn’t achieve. It is important to be easy with yourself, especially as you close your day, knowing that there is the self belief in you to do more.

Give gratitude and blessing for the day that past, as part of your positive mental practice, as you remember to recognize the specific things and tools to help you go through your day. Being grateful for what you have open the door for, what more you will gain, achieve,  create and come for you.

After scanning all that came to your mind, now release it, let it go, and only connect to your Heart center to your ability to nourish yourself with self-love.
Any practice of prayer or meditation during this time help to center yourself for a restful night.
Part of your self preparation to sleep is also to have an intention for the new day right now. Intentions are the core values for everything and with Intentions energy is been directed to the purposeful place for best results. As you set the intention for your day, you will have the power to overcome any obstacles, if they come, knowing that you will prevail,  that you will succeed. Know your intentions for tomorrow, so your emotions, feelings and thoughts will collaborate together to bring out your best behavior.
Remember to be kind to yourself all the time, especially when you end your day. Once you are kind to yourself, you practice the self-love, and what left is to pass your kindness and love for others.
Be brave to admit to yourself about what you don’t know, and what yet you are ready to learn .
Night time is also mental health care, which builds from within as a muscle that grows. Just as you care to feed your body a healthy meal, feed your mind with healthy thoughts. Be kind to yourself in this department too. There is no reason to criticize,  to fear, to stress yourself at the end of your day. Trust yourself. Trust yourself.
Let your spiritual self walk into the Chappell, to find the singing voice that blessing you with a peaceful night and a happy day.