1.Can come in certain times.
2.Has symmetry between your Heart and your actions.
3.Provide values for one side.
Building your social life in all forms and ways with different circles of people that you come by, it is valuable to exercise the practice of Loyalty as well. Loyalty has become an under estimate word just because of the ways you find it around you and far from any social content like Loyalty membership for a club, Loyalty for buying at one place often, Loyalty for what your family is used to vote for many years and so many other examples, but the difference from all, that is the true Loyalty which is happening between people. Practice of Loyalty only will help to build solid bridges that are holds by wires of diversity, gender, race or color and any other matter of the human fabric which we all walk our way to get to the other side. When you seek to reach out by your Loyalty to the other, you invite harmony and equality that only can spread to other areas of your life and allow you to gain a better stability with your actions which only can be from a pure Heart place. Knowing how to remember to express your Loyalty will let the other side to show by a parallel of the duality which the other also find important to value and like so, to build a stronger structure of connection. The alignment that is happening by each one pure intention also gives the space for alignment with each other Heart to find positive cause for higher purpose, for other people that can benefit and learn from this mutual friendship. Every beginning of any social relationship, which has always good means by itself, can be protected more efficiently when the use of Loyalty is addresses as well in the good right way to help bring closer others as well. Loyalty create good values to be added to the equation of the connection and not giving the possibility for turning point to happen as a result. In the event of difficulties, true Loyalty which both side have protect, will be a reminded of the early steps that made you both standing for the original principles that create the spark of the original connection due to the value of Loyalty. The acknowledgement which both side put together for each other through the mutual Loyalty only expand the communication both side share with better clarity and deeper trust by knowing how to value and honor each other. This create a strong confidence in each one without any confusion in the event of misbehavior or moment of expressing words which seems as they had no place to be said based on the solidarity you hold together. Loyalty provide both sides to strip off unconscious biases by maintaining the loyalty which two are sharing, and Like that, your safe place will not give you the possibility of rejecting the other but to welcome the diversity of the other which you are loyal to. Loyalty in relationship show the symmetry between what your Heart feel and the performance of your actions which allows for positive effects of emotions to move between those who share that unity of Loyalty.