The paradox with personal change is (Choose yours) :

1.Appear to take you to a wrong direction.

2.Showing you with conflicting messages.

3.Seems to be a waste of time.



At times when you come to certain terms with how you would like to lead your life in a better way, you find the right resolution and you have the awareness of the work that you need to do. From that point on, you start with commitment to do the work and to make the personal effort that is require. That can be when you want to lose weight, to learn something that will help you in your life, to work on something more personal or any idea of personal change that comes to your mind. However, very soon, as you start the work, suddenly all the “reasons” for why not to do this change running in your mind.  If it is something that you work in your personal level, suddenly all those points in your life that you are trying to eliminate from yourself, showing themselves to you through out different events that are around you. This opposite environment only build within you a confusion and in some ways putting doubt in your intentions for what you intended to achieve.

The understanding of what you have kind of awaken around you, will help you to understand why at any stage of the change that you are trying to create in your life, suddenly the opposite reality is turning in your life. The reason is concealed in your intention and honest desire. For example, if you want to lose weight, then at some point you will have those craving for the food that you must avoid. If you try to work on your personality and to be more kind, patience and loving-kindness towards others, don’t be surprise if suddenly you will find yourself surrounded by people that acting towards you in a negative way, and your immediate instinct will be to react accordingly. If you are trying to become more peaceful within yourself, suddenly you are flooded by upsetting news and unsettling thoughts. Seems like darkness came in places where you wish to see the light. All this happening for your own benefit and the personal growth that you are trying to overcome. After all, how can you reach to the other side of the mountain if you don’t make the effort to climb it in order to reach your destiny. This effort meant to be for you, so you will gain your personal lessons and learn to know your true self in a way that no one else can ever teach you. Once you are facing those confusing moments, this paradox against your change, you will less and less be troubled by those opposite events as you remember to see in front of you the decision that you took upon yourself, and that you know that there is no way to make a short cut or to go around it, but to face all those challenges that are require from you in order to fully reach your destination.

Most important to remember that you are never alone or by yourself. The fact that the idea that you came up with to make the change, actually was also showed to you in a certain guidance and with some signs for why this would be good to challenge yourself with. Pay attention and recognize who is actually is by your side and willing to give you the support to keep doing what you seek to do. Follow your pure Heart energy and trust yourself to know better, and tune from your Heart to your mind with positive thoughts to strengthen your desire. Reach out for those that can be with you along the way, as your journey is part of others that are also want you to succeed.