The meaning for a personal change (Choose yours):

1.Take perseverance, time and responsibility.

2.Start when you know it.

3.Is when the outside provide you the conditions.



Each one of us going through changes in life that happen in the body from when its a fetus and moving forwards, as well as what is the starting point of the soul and the spirit in this body to how it will generate the changes to be collected and to be carry on. Yet, a true change doesn’t happen once someone make the decision to make that change or simply by declaring about a change they are going to do. It takes perseverance with personal skills to recognize what you are looking to gain, as well as what you are willing or need to let go. It is also require time and repetition to allow this change to become truly part of your life reality and to create the positive results in your life.

The meaning for a true change is when you decide on a certain change, and you start to work and perform that change on a daily basis, on a regular practice, with a length of a period of time and steady through a certain period, that has it platform with steps and steps to allow the development of the change to grow within you and to become a new positive habit that will be for you to perform more natural and without any inner resistance towards that change at any time, but the ability to maintain it and to add to that change more adjustments as you move forwards with your life. You cannot limit yourself to gain the change that you seek to a limited period of time, as for each one the personal adjustment has its own core and values that need to be attend. What you need to know is that in order for a change to really happen in your life, your starting point of your intention for the change you desire will start to influence energetically on all your systems, from within as well as from outside, by your personal connection with yourself, your connection with the environment and the connection of the environment with you. The minimum consistency in one personal persistence for achieving any change is no less than 40 days, and for most of us it demand a persistence seriousness longer than 40 days.

That is what takes and makes also the difference between great leaders to true leaders: Great leaders hold to the past with respect and trust, Providing the tradition to keep preserve it. How ever, they are not aware for how its holding them behind, narrowing their world. True leaders knows to understand the lessons from the past, how to involve the new generation to value what the past has teach, and how optimal it can be to take that old knowledge and to bring it relevant to today life and plant that understanding to actions that influence not only their personal life but those that are part of their life and those that can learn from their personal growth. Like that, no one fall behind, and everyone care to remember their heritage without the need to distinguish themselves from that.
The decision to make a personal change also gives the opportunity to understand that with great change come great responsibility. Therefore, in order to better understand the change that you would like to accomplish, understand the responsibility it will require from you.
That is the power within your willingness forĀ  a personal change: Instead of waiting for the power to happen, ask yourself: what is the responsibility that you can understand from this point of view, that can be? What is the responsibility that you will need to carry on your shoulder every day?How about you act like as if this responsibility need to be provide by you from now. Live your life while performing the responsibility that is the result. By doing so, you step into solving the solution to the equation and the quality of your life. Take responsibility from right now.
Awareness of your personal freedom guide you to liberate yourself from depending on to media, commercials, social circles, or pressure of society when opportunity presents itself for you. Keep staying in the light, from your pure Heart center, so others will be able to follow and shine. It can works both side, from you to others, from others to you. It happen internal as well as external.