Take control on your life mean : (choose yours)

1.It is your way or the ugly way.

2.Doing everything according to your obey.

3.Understanding your place in personally and with unity in life.



Take control on your life is by understanding the broad giving meaning for how you can take over the control of your life. You are the most valuable assent that you must protect. As you come to terms with your individuality and what attribute you can create for yourself as well as for many others, do all the positive honest noble actions to connect with that self that you recognize for this time in your life, as it is always can develop. Always have a positive approach to yourself and to where you are at right now in life. Avoid self judgment or personal guilt just because you haven’t touch your personal vision. Every day you are the main person who must remember to believe in yourself and your abilities, big or small. Stay honest and true to yourself so like that your words will stay in alignment with your actions and will not show something which you are holding within you. Your nobility is a self practice that provide you the capacity to hold the growth of your inner value as well as your noble actions with kindness and respect for those that you are involve or come by. Taking control can be by reaching out for help. You open yourself for a better success when you share your personal challenge with those that you can trust to get from them advise, guidance, word of encouragement or any assistance to put your life in the right direction. Taking control can be doing something that at the beginning will be difficult for you. It is difficult simply because it is different from what you used to believe or do so far, but it becomes your self insurance. That self insurance of your personal goal to move forward with your life in a much more meaningful and productive way then you had it just yesterday. Until you don’t take self control you don’t start to liberate your life and to step into your ultimate freedom. By taking self control you invite an inner Renaissance. A kind of a self renaissance of your ambitions and enthusiastic for life with much joy and excitement which will be driven you in a natural way and will be the positive energy where your Root Chakra is moving in forward and connected with all the other elements that are building the open road for you to take back full control on and over your life. This allow your Soul to show you the priority of your personal duty to rebuild your life while awakening your Heart Chakra in humble and optimistic personal way that will let you express your words of feelings and emotions by productive thoughts which where hold within you for a long time and now ripen to be express accurate and with respect to life around you. By taking control you are becoming the stage manager of your life and bringing together a wonderful collaboration that care for you from all walks of life. That unity that you present out become the true reflection of what wonder is within you. Every day you have the choice to set a positive example first for yourself and then for those that are around you. Understanding your personal responsibility always starts with how you provide yourself with positive honest noble actions while keeping your Heart open to welcome others at your stage. Holding this self approach with open Heart will give you a quality for life and value of good personal lessons far from what your small brain want you to see.