Starting on a new path require also (Choose yours) :

1.A fresh new out look with all new elements.

2.To know when you starting, a beginning.

3.That your expectations will be fulfill.

4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………


Taking upon yourself to start on a new path can have different reasons for each one, such as: new direction with your life, a decision that from here on you move forward with your life in a different way from how you were interacting, behaving, engaging with your life, starting new thing, stopping from holding negative mentality that was causing you to act in a negative way, or any other reason that fit your circumstances to start taking your life on a new path. The thought by itself seems as a good starting point but then there are steps which each one of you must go through. One major obstacle is when you actually begin to do that, which can be only delay by you. Another major obstacle is when your expectations at certain moment are not meeting the results. You might not be as patience as you wanted to be because of how you still feel with yourself after doing so much, and yet there is still nothing for you to prove yourself. What is relevant in each of those points of view, is that you are using a point of view that was needed to be refresh, or better to have a total new point of view that must be different from any point of view you had till now.

When you decided to put yourself on a new path, you had within your own self the personal dialog that provide you with your decision. You might shared that with others, asking for opinion on that, or support from others, but the decision you have made was by the full autonomy that you hold with yourself. As much as you gave it time to consider doing that, in order to have a true new path you must have a real new point of view. That’s mean also by shaking off from you any patterns of thoughts, emotions or feelings that you have been using till now. Otherwise, what will seems as going in different direction is actually still contaminate by everything that defeated you or was holding you or dragging you back. You can find yourself falling into the rabbit hole over and over again because of your old point of view. Perhaps it’s time to use a different way to look at your life, to understand that there is another way to handle your life with new reality and free yourself from all of the above that kept pulling you down. Having a new perspective, that years from now looking in retrospective, you will not identify that old self AND loving each part of your life as a beautiful whole.

If you still having familiar old ways as you take yourself on that new path, you will not achieve what you wish for. Your old ways can still be based on old patterns of your thoughts, emotions and feelings, or even the people that you used to be with. For each one, the moment you have a fresh understanding regarding what you really, truly from your Heart, trying to create for yourself, you provide yourself with new perception on the true personal meaning for doing that. So, even with what can seems like not working as you planed to, or been delay, and only putting you behind in your progress, can be instead your understanding that you are at the “in between” and still in the right direction. Holding on the “in between” has its own beauty for your life shift. (I will touch that in another blog). A real meaningful new path in your life demand from you to install a new point of view that can carry you till you will reach your new destination. Like that, you have a better tolerance with moments of the illusion of no results or what seems like delay. Your honest new point of view must provide you with the strength to go through with what you committed yourself to do, in order to be on the other side of your destination.

Doing that work of your personal understanding about the true new point of view, must be a realistic one, not something that is only in your imagination, or base on a wrong concept. You need to be with the same reality while holding a new fresh point of view on that reality. When we say : look at the sunset or look at the sunrise, we actually saying something that is not real. The sun is never set, the sun is never rise, as the sun is never move from its place. The earth is moving around the sun, so only a change of scenery, while false point of view is guiding your eyes and mind.