Say THANK YOU because: (choose yours)
  1. It is polite and part of good habits.
  2. Ability to stay humble and not selfish.
  3. Knowing that there is always someone else in your journey.
  4. ………………….

In a world were each one can be focus only for the self, there is that simple act that can be greater then the act itself. The secret within being THANKFUL is far then people pay attention. By giving thanks you are automatically returning an act of kindness and connect deeper with the one that you give thanks for, here and above. It is with the least effort that you can create positive flow and blessings. As you give thanks you invite others to keep be part of your journey and growing the circle of positivity around you with abundance. The secret in Kabbalah and law of attraction teaches that when you can give thanks for something that you wish to have in the future and by saying thanks in advance you are starting to manifest it into your life. What can you give thanks for and more important to say thank you while truly meaning those words for?