1.Is not something that one can find or do.
2.Has nothing to do with you.
3.Provide abundance of life quality.
Self-love, which the emotions you experience are in a level that is out of your body and realizing how it can stand alone and feel complete. Look to the virtual mirror and see what is truly needs by you and from you to let your self-love become more activate. Clearing and removing the path to connect with your self-love awakens the demons that only were holding you down in the dark, so you can free yourself from them and claim back the inner connection for yourself as well as with everything that is around you from a place of love and no room for fear to be. That awareness gives you the opportunity for healing some emotional pain which you have been carrying for a long time, and even though time has pass, for no reason you still not willing to see your beautiful self. Finding your self-love brings healing in your physical body, in your energetic fields, remove energetic blockages from your Chakra system and brings healthy direction towards your life choices. Self-love provides honesty and encouragement to protect your self by knowing your self worth. Self-love promotes your happiness and creativity with what life experiences present to you. Practice from a place of solitude can offer you the connection with many people that truly love and care for you. Check to clear any negative energy that can create a motion of karma that not need to be part of your life experiences, and instead, practice self-love with the positive intention to benefit others so the karma can be a motion of positive effect. Identify personal emotions boundaries that are appropriate by you and can have validation by yourself, only to improve the life of those that are with you. Love is endless energy of emotions, feelings and thoughts that together can create positive actions by you for others. Love, from energetic perspective doesn’t mean it requires a physical activity, but recognizing a high vibration that is all around you, and like so, able to connect with that universal energetic vibration. Understanding self-love provides the connection between you to the creator. Give priority for who you are. When you acknowledge your self-love, you recognize the love connection between you and the divine source which created you in its own image. Your self-love has a meaning of knowledge. From a place of self-love you create your symphony of life and tolerance towards your life experiences. Take a moment in stillness to get clarity regarding who you are in this self-love relationship. When you continue the practice of pure self-love, you open your waterfall of love to everyone and every thing that comes by you. When you connect with your self-love you are able to express and bring out your individual identity. Remember, when you are able to understand self- love you are able to give unconditional love.