Negative Breakup has fear of (Choose yours):

1.Being lonely.

2.Neglecting by someone.

3.Dealing with the personal mistakes.



We all have experienced breakups in our life. While some where easy on both sides, others where not simple even to do or even to go though, and the result with those negative breakup is the way each one can heal and can recover, in order to be able to move on with their life and to be open emotionally in a healthy way for the next relationship to come to their life. Some will try to run quickly to find new relationship, to be with someone else, while others will understand that they need to take some time to recover from the breakup that they have experienced. For some the difficult will be to accept and to let go while for others even after the breakup was made, they still cannot let go of that relationship. Any breakup was not something that was a choice that both sides saw in the beginning of the relationship, but the negative turn of events brought that new reality for them to experience as well. As each relationship define both, it still cannot take from the personal definition of each one and therefore, one must be reminded of their core self definition to be able to offer self recovery.

After all, the opposite of being in a relationship is to be lonely. However, perhaps this is the good time to value for a moment how to appreciate to be alone while giving the full time and to know the valuable stages of the personal self without any fear of being left alone, but from a positive place of how one can make sure to fulfill their life with personal activities, and recharging their self worth from a positive place with a feed back of self actions and grounding their mental state of mind to connect with reality from a place of personal safety and inner security because of the self recognition of who they are with themselves. How can someone that was so close with another, suddenly finding themselves so far away from that particular one. That can create a false self-image of being neglecting by that other one, when in fact it is the opportunity to learn how one can be first depending on themselves, before putting their personal values on the condition to be with another person.

Major step after a breakup is that one can find themselves taking full responsibility for what have happen and forgetting to remember that in any relationship there are two parties that have responsibility for this negative result, each one according to their actions, intentions, communication. If healthy boundaries would have used to respect each one, then the possibility to meet the path for a healthy breakup might have been more easy on both sides, but sometimes at a time of crisis in relationship the role that each one take can be different from how each one could have still hold the space to step out in a way that could have been good for both.

Every breakup come with personal stages of grief, mourning and sadness that both will experience according to their emotional empath strength. While some can find themselves with deep emotional pain in different ways, others can reject or even avoid dealing with their emotions, and not realizing how not dealing with this personal event will only impact their next relationship since they are carrying with them unresolved issued from past relationships. Mourning the loss of relationship, it is not that you mourn the loss of that specific one but you are mourning the loss of what you hope to have in your life, and to understand that will only provide you the ability to know for yourself that what you want to have in your life can happen with someone else, just not with the one that was not right for you.

The information that one can collect from the past relationship can help to understand better what one truly want in relationship and to discover how to find a healthy relationship that will have within beautiful love, honor and respect between both sides from each one Heart center, while feeling complete with each one self and able to provide to the relationship from a place of unconditional love and care.