Leading your life with self harmony provide (Choose yours):

1.Preventing self criticizing.

2.No place for ego or egoism.

3.Going not against anything, rather with everything.



For each one to be able to lead and to live your life from a place of harmony, will create and offer you a fuller and a richer world to experience, rather the feeling of missing out or feeling the needs or pressure to run from one things to another. Harmony in life hold the pure combination of humility, self-worth, compassion and empathy.

All the negative emotions, all the type of actions that has no supporting place in the system of humanity, all the chaos that try to get to you, very quickly all those are becoming as passing things in your life and more and more the place for you to know better for yourself how to act, to interact, to connect and to move with your life will be from the self harmony you hold within your Heart center to everything that is surrounding you and you are surrounding by. Just as in music different sounds come together in perfect harmony to create a melody that get the listening attention, so in each one personal life to identify, to learn and to recognize how to tune from your Heart center between yourself together with the world that you are belong to and taking part to live your life. So even when suddenly life events create in your life high waves or low waves, you are able to bring back from your Heart center harmony place the balance for the waves and motions in your life, and not putting yourself out of balance for a longer time then what it took you from. Recovering from a place of unbalance will happen by you in a passive way rather with always the effort to bring yourself to a peaceful and quiet place. Like that you don’t stay static in a certain place but you are able to move mentally, emotionally, spiritually and therefor physically with your life in a rhythm that will only support your true self.

As you guide yourself to find your self harmony, you are becoming tune to your healthy needs, coming to terms with your personal reality, able to reflect on what is around you rather react towards what come to you, having your needs to be identify from a selfless place, holding personal understanding that the outside reality is a reflection of your inner reality and therefor better to feed your Heart center with anything that you know will support your inner center with balance, promoting the use of good positive action in any kind of event, able to stay compassionate even when there is some disorder around you, so that will provide room for oneness.

Leading your life from a place of self harmony will promote not only your wellbeing but also those that relay on you, those that depend on you, those that are interacting with you, as you will provide a positive and healthy support for each one, while being able to keep yourself stable and guiding those that are with you to move to this harmonious place that everyone can share and see the qualities and the equalities each one has and able to provide in a positive wave that only bring more of the same kind closer and together to share each one Heart center in a open way.