Is it better to move with life from your Soul needs or by your ego needs (Choose yours):

1.The Soul can wait.

2.Building strong ego provide strength.

3.As a spirit being, life journey is side by side with the Soul.

4. ……………………………………………………………


In today world, more then ever especially with the influence of social media, the sense of each one identity sometimes become a bigger priority than the significant of your character or personality. The main driven force happen to be by either two objective factors which are your core Soul or the protection of your ego. When forgetting what is really important, what truly take part in your reality, it can lead to a false reflection from your life mirror. It might seems like you are missing out on things, but it’s much better than given in to your ego needs. When you live your life by knowing what is good to uplift your spirit within your Soul, you will protect yourself from meaningless actions that only serves your ego.

A person who is motivate, even if unknowingly, by their ego will have no awareness of faith with God, in competition with the world, looking for winning, materialistic, needs of recognition from others, dealing with self-suffering, demanding their “me” to be in the center, seeing only what they miss out in life, no time for others, confused by certain moments if life, endless judgment, no ability to accept or face life, afraid of self-love. On the other hand, a person who is motivate by their Soul will take each step in their life while having God walking with them, opening the doors for others while trusting that their time is never missed, looking within to identify their true authentic self, value each path in their journey, appreciate what they already have, easy with self-love, knowing the value of unity, believe in the second chance and another opportunity that life will open, finding the reason and moving on, trusting with hope and humility.

It is always a choice to act with the intention that serves your Soul or your ego. Pursuing life from your Soul intention, not by your ego desire, will only give your life a higher meaning than you can imagine. Making life choices that better fit for your Soul or your ego should be: from physical basic needs, selfless place, safety and trust. From your Soul actions you shine, while by your ego actions only darkness expanded. Your intentions can shade clear light regarding the path of your actions, whether they are coming from your the Heart of your Soul or rather tasteless part of your ego. Each person intentions to do something has it personal purpose and if that purpose only will serve one person, than most likely it will not last and soon to be lost.


If the intentions are one way of a learning tool to identify whether one person actions are from their Heart Soul or by their ego, another tool is to observe yourself after you did something, which has now new reality. Ask yourself again if this action was made from your Heart Soul or by-product of your ego ? After an action was made there is much more information that gives clarity. So if by understanding your intentions as a preliminary step for your actions, you can understand better by observing your post actions if they achieved by your Soul or your ego.


The important value you will gain will be less judging others and more loving others. Ego makes you lose sight of your truth while Soul action keeps you in the path that makes you awake, aware and alive. Stop looking outside when you need to look inside and listen from within. Hold within deeply your empathy humility and  sensitivity. Actions from your Heart Soul will awaken your inner power, will harness your energy, will fulfill your path to achieve meaningful greatness. The same goes towards the emotions or the feelings that you feed energy to: the more that you find yourself angry, sad, hated, betrayed, jealous etc., all those are only keep feeding your ego while draining you. The dangerous thing here is that you will forget your true self for something that never exist. On the other hand when you care to feed your emotions and feelings such as self-love, self-worth, unconditional Love, forgiveness, humility, kindness, care for humanity etc., you build connection with your Heart center as well as establishing a deeper foundation towards your spiritual path.


While keeping your steps guiding you from your Heart compass, it will always lead you to find a safe shore until your next sail within your life journey. Your Heart compass will have the place to invite others, as well as trusting others to take part in your life. As a spirit being that is having a body experience, the spirit must remember to enjoy life journey side by side with the Soul.