In the process of self-change : (Choose yours)

1.You see the end result without fully committed.

2.You must face what you need to let go and to overcome.

3.You hope to find short cuts to get what you want.



When you make the decision to make a change in your life or to create a change in your life, there is the part which you need to face, an aspect of yourself with yourself and with the personal understanding for what is within you that you need to know that it is time to let go, or to understand that in order to go to the other side of the change, you will need to overcome some personal obstacles or weaknesses points, which are those who belong to you and only you need to overcome them in order to get the results for your personal change. Sometimes it is the need to do the opposite of what you normally try to do when you put actions towards self-change so you can face your fears, pride or ego. To each one there are those specific obstacles which coming back in different ways only to challenge you to really face the challenge and to reach a true self-change. Understand that, and you know to give the solution and not just the problem. Many examples can be: Not willing to make an effort if it is something that is not comfortable for you to do; Using more of the ego as a shield instead of staying humble and kind; Thinking only of your personal gain when actually you need to see the whole picture how you gain by being part of a group; Avoid dealing with emotions till you are ready to fully explode; Counting on yourself only instead of being open for help from others or help from other sources beyond your imagination; Hard for you to forgive and hold for long negative emotions; Trying to control others instead of building relationships that will open the path for leadership; Waiting for someone to do your work or provide the answer when in fact it is better to work together; Doubting yourself before you take even the first step; Holding the belief that there is one solution and avoiding to see the possibility that there can be more then what you believe; You tend to criticize yourself more then you know that you can try to trust yourself; You see the end result without fully committed; Living in the past or dreaming on the future instead of being here, in this present moment and moving forward from here; Not willing to take any risks just because of fear which has no foundation; Finding the reason to procrastinate when you know that it is time to get to work; You focus in a small part of the problem when you know that you need to look at the big picture; You hope to find short cuts to get what you want; Choosing to do only what is comfortable for you when in reality you need to go through some uncomfortable moments first; Even though your past provide you some valuable lessons you keep doing the same things, which you should have let go; Starting to make the proper steps in full speed and right away giving up on yourself; Looking on the option for the solution only from one point of view instead of letting other ways to entertain your mind. There are many more to add here, but if you will look into yourself with personal awareness then you can truly become the change that you want to see in the world.