In difficult times your best act is (Choose yours):

1.To face it.

2.Do nothing with the hope that it will pass.

3.To find someone to blame.



For each one as part your your personal growth and with the lessons that you need to learn, face, understand and overcome, it is usually occur without any personal anticipations to face something that will be difficult for you or challenging you without any preparations, and sometimes only take you to collect meanings or energies which has been accrue for the wrong reasons. After all, each one from a positive perspective, want to lead a positive life, easy enough to create what you wish to have and achieve in your life. However, part of any one life is also to understand that you will be challenged, not as a result of something negative, but as part of the needs for your whole being to be able to handle and to carry on your life as well as to be for others or those that will reach out to you. Like that, coming to a point in life where you are able to appreciate the good and the difficult in the same way, put less resistance by you to enjoy the flow of the river of your life, and you are not taking a role of preventing yourself from continue the motion of your whole self from only facing the river of your life.

Sometimes in those difficult times the choice is to give up on yourself, or to act from a place of self distraction, living over and over in that specific difficult moment, using negative actions towards yourself like criticizing, self-blaming or personal shame, which you are not willing to let go, or un aware of self-forgiveness from your Heart center which gives personal hope for positive change to happen. Being hard with yourself only prevents you from not willing to let go of your old self, and the wrong doing that has happen in the past, that is already belong to the past, and preventing you from the change or the opportunity to correct yourself and to return back to the river of your life and continue with the flow, so more things can be created and evolve for you.

Certain things in life can be observed or see as bad things, but to have the knowledge that from bad things new beginnings happens, good things can come, require your intention to face it. Indeed, when something difficult happen, first action is to put everything on hold, which provide you the opportunity to be able to analyze, to regain a better understanding of your situation, to understand better with clean and clear point of view, from your Heart center, with no guilt or judgment regarding yourself and where you are at, for what will be and what is needed to move forward with the river of your life. In most difficult times, you can find the answer, you can provide the solution, and then in other times there is no shame of reaching out and asking for help or accepting the help and the support of others.

The river of your life is still moving, still nurturing you, even though you stopped drinking from it, telling yourself to hold to that heavy rock which you hit in the past. The river of your life waiting for you to jump back and enjoy the journey, and not to miss out from what more you can experience, what more you can find. As the river of your life moves along with you, trust that as long as you keep swimming, as long as you do your part, you will grow to enjoy any current of your life. The river of your life care to be with you, committed to your journey, all you need is to face it, to act from your pure Heart center with responsibility to keep swimming, with the self care to let go of that event and to continue your life journey. It is never too late to start and to face what you know that you need to,