It might also bring memories from close or far.
From someone you miss, or someone that is gone.
From a place you dream, or somewhere to be.
Joyful feeling or emotional truth.
When you hold a space for another,
Now, no longer a place in your heart.
Where childhood laughter and innocent joy,
Turn by, as seasons of the year.
Valuing things that will lost with time,
And will learn to appreciate matters that last forever.
Welcome Merry and mercy, kindness of giving and receiving,
Caring for people, and calling above – the source,
Reminds us the love for those experiences,
Tender innocent ones along with a window for forgiveness.
Like walking into a forest, where some trees are young, touching the ground,
Other reaching the high skies full with memories.
As you walk through the sounds of humming holiday songs,
Or otherwise,
Hidden between the natural sounds of the leaves,
Bringing reality with her beauty and Love.
Like a river riding its many waters of wonders,
Or a river that no one knows or visits, yet the memories are all there.
Fill up your younger years,
Collecting pieces during adult time,
What seems to be un-separate, stand by waves of connections.
All that comes as part of the light you holds within your Heart.
From me to each one of you, a gift of light and unconditional love.