Expressing your words should be (Choose yours):

1.Loud and clear.

2.After you had your coffee.

3.With your Heart clear good intentions.



Words are the way we communicate with each other, expressing your thoughts, feelings, emotions as well as your way to explain or state your situation. You can use different levels of tones to express what you are saying, or you can keep some words to yourself because of what you hesitate to say. Words are a form of energy, a combination of frequencies and waves, a system of sounds. Words are what help to connect you with others more then by what you say , but also by the way that you say it. Words are one of your main tools which need to always learn how to use, especially with the right intention. As humanity develops, there was the force of giving names to symbols, putting titles on objects, all with a deep reason for what stand behind each object or item. Yet, as one language migrate to a new different language, something got misunderstood, mistranslate, or used not as the original formula that was given. We see that more today in how less and less honoring the good use of words, and it comes down to what each one hold within or hold on to, ignoring the meaning behind words, not given the attention for the power of some combination of words that can cause drastic events.
The book of Genesis 1:3 starts with “and God said, let there be light, and there was light” the book describes that it was the word of God, the power of a word, the energy of a word that form into something that you can see, feel, touch, sense, by the power of word something has transformed from an energy to something materialistic. By the sound of the word light was created. Like that, words has power to create just as words has the power to destroy, as words are a form of energy. How did we let it happen that by receiving the gift of words, words with intentions to unite us, more and more we use words to divide us. The more you care to use words with positive connotation, you elevate the energy of your reality.

Words are an external representation of your internal world. The way you speak out, says a lot about what you hold within your Heart. Some words that you use carry emotions with them. Other words that you say or hear, holds some memories from your past that has a direct connection between an event that you were part of to a certain word that impact you in some way. The tone of your words can reflect a deep understanding regarding some points in your life that holding you from moving forward with your life. Your words not only coming from your mind, but they are in some way a result of the energy within you.

Be aware of the way you express yourself: always express anything in a positive way. Words should be express without any anger, angry sounds, as the sounds of anger echo within the speaker, and the one that hear is unable to listen, only physically impact by the negative sounds. The sound of angry words creates energetically something like “molds” in the good parts of your life, and eventually will show signs of sickness on your physical body.

Also, the words that someone speaks to another in a negative tone, the giver doesn’t hear what they really say until the recipient repeat it exactly word by word to the giver, so they will be able to face what they truly said. Doing that exercise of repetition remove any weight or negative energy that was intended to affect the recipient inner peace or balance. More so, it provides the receiver the best way to handle a situation in which negative words are being directed towards them, and not feeling the need to react with other negative words, but only providing the giver a repetition of what was said.

Words, when you think of each one, when you carefully choose the right ones, when you put your deepest intentions to every syllables of every word, while reaching to far far place within your Heart center, while allowing your pure voice to say those words, one can say that you just pray. Yet, this is when you let the voice of your Soul to speak out on your behalf.