Energy within the body manifest through (Choose yours):

1.Thoughts, feelings and emotions.

2.Activities by the body, with or with out.

3.An interaction with out side source.



We are all form of energy as well as everything that is around us is form of energy from plants, animals, objects and everything that surround us has energy. Each one is an expression of the energy that is within that individual, and that expression has a vibration that is been share, spread and interact according to its nature. The goal of any kind of energy is to find back its balance and to continue move in that balance. Therefore, when energy is not balance it seeks to find back its path to its original way. This universe that we are living in, is a close and contained environment with its specific energy from creation, and like that no new energy is being added, but the discovery of certain energies help us to understand better how to harness them into our life. A closer look of each one well-being from your activities or doing nothing, by your thoughts, feelings and emotions, or as a result with an interaction with out side source, will provide you a feedback to how you can guide yourself to maintain those factors that keep your well-being rejuvenate and with the positive energy that will keep promoting your well-being.

Your energy can always renew itself, as long as you provide the self care and personal attention to do what its need to benefit yourself  in a way that will keep your well-being energy balance, yet still in a constructive kinetic motion to promote all your inner elements to become more unify and in harmony, so your self awareness to what your body needs will happen in a natural way, and not as a result to symptoms that starting to show up from with in, or by your general behavior. On the same way, in times where you hold things within, you are actually storing energy which need to move, and by addressing how you need to move it, is by responding to the situation you are in and not reacting to it. Sometimes by awareness or unawareness, out side energy move you from your energetic balance, and your attention to restore the balance is more needed.

The air that you are breathing is a source of natural fuel that we all need and without it, no matter how strong or good you are, you cannot really function. Majority of the time when you breath, you don’t pay attention to how you breath, and self awareness with some good exercise can utilize better the air that you breath. The food that you eat, although you enjoy the look and the taste, it comes to what the simple purpose of the food is for you: giving you the energy and the fuel that you need in order to maintain yourself, and therefore, not only that is important to be aware of how you eat, but also to what you eat, and how you are making the energetic connection between yourself to the food that you put in your mouth, so that connection elevate the benefits from the energy that you introduce to your body. Some energy-work are always beneficial to everyone from sport activities to energy work that you get from someone you trust. As those activities has an essential part of the energy that you carry, and feel in its nature to interact and to share. Music has its movement of energy that is also part of you, as your voice is the activation of sounds while your whole body is the receptive of all sounds, and attention to sounds that support your well-being, will keep that inner balance supporting your inner peace. Each personal attention to how you act and interact, create a better understanding for you to move from one moment to another moment, without letting the fast world around you to take your energy, and you will not miss any moment.

You are a beautiful Light house that can share and use your energy to guide yourself and to light the way for many that are waiting to enjoy your energy, all you need to keep doing is to activate your Chakra system in a balance way that will provide a clear far beam of light from you.