Posted December 9, 2020
1. Have connection to your behavior and mood.
2. Affecting your motivation and communication.
3. Are a reflection of your mind body and soul.
By the way that you pay attention to your emotions feelings and thoughts you create the reality around you. Understanding what each of those 3 provide you, you can address to yourself what will guide you in any situation that you are facing. When you have your personal clarity for what influence you more to how your whole self progress then you can prevent situations that are not benefiting you and drive yourself to situations that only will promote the quality of your life. Those 3 has an impact on your mind body and soul along with your behavior and mood which affect your motivation and communication with everything that is around you. When you persist with positivity then the result will have to create a positive reality.
Think like a good happy farmer: your energetic field is your land. You want to fertilize the land with good quality of nutrition’s which are your emotions and vibrations. Then to your land you plant your seeds which are your good feelings. Those seeds become your good thoughts that with time create a harvest for a positive behavior full of good actions and intentions with loving fruits that carry also seeds. By sharing your fruits of your positive actions you will keep increasing your energetic field and provide you with more seeds and your ability to further fertilize your land with positive emotions.
Remember that the road for your happiness is within your marvelous seeds. Use them.