Doing the work in relationship : (Choose yours)

1.By the one that need to change.

2.Always by both sides no matter the reason.

3.Is when the time offer to do so.



In any type of relationships there is an obligations by both side to have the human dignity for each other with care, respect, Loving-kindness and any other positive characters which can maintain the strength and the development between all sides, especial when it comes to personal relationship. It is not the responsibility of one side but of both side together, so the support can be given and the understanding for what together need to be create. You can see a strong similarity between the two, and how they look to face life and to challenge themselves by ways where both of them take the path to uncomfortable places and difficult situations only to bring out their individual inner strength while shining out each one inner light as a light house that care to show and lead the way for others. Your personal believe must be that you have more within you to do and offer as your big Heart strive to make it happen only from a pure and honest place while your humility protect your personal dignity. Your intention to do the work together only will provide you to see the fruits of Your hard work taking you towards the freedom to create the life that you both believe and deserve to have, while sparkling positivity around you to encourage others to follow your way, especially the one you share your life with. There is always room for much love from you to the mutual journey both sides took upon them to go through and with deep respect for your friendship that both side maintain and protect. The individuality of each one of you is one of a kind and a special good ones in some aspects of your life, which you can be honored to continue to exchange energy and support each other spiritual growth so the unexplainable moments or events from life experiences which you collect together, become the common sense of honest communication that you both able to provide the endless support and patience with each other along the way. Like that, you can open your Heart center for sending from you positive energy of good vibrations to keep your heart beats with the love to everyone and everything around you. The key element can be the acceptance of each other and not rushing to give up on the other one. Don’t allow or let self judgments to control you and your feelings. We all need to do the work and to learn the life lessons which can let us take the positive leadership for leading ourselves with care, self-love and self belief that we are able to overcome our personal obstacles, as well as to reach out with unconditional love to those that we care for, and to let them join the journal of the lessons you both learn, collect and gain together for better future and new possibilities for better opportunities, just as it can be said by you from your heart to your partner with the hope that together you will find new path that will give you both the place to continue support and to be for each other.