- Enjoy the moment and that is enough.
- Keep looking for direction.
- Try too many times, so no point.
- ………………
For each one the view should be clear: Your life hold a certain purpose for you to grab to, and to move forward with. Sometimes it is through the struggle of certain personal events that the picture starts to become more clear. At some point you have this voice in your head that is becoming more clear and synchronicity only appear too many times as pebbles in your road to your destiny. Your intuition keep reminding you of the direction you should take. The more that you understand the spiritual growth that comes with the challenging that you are facing, you have the ability to remember the lessons and to know how to find the strength to move forward. There will be those “strangers” that will provide you information which you already knew but they appear truly for you, your gut feeling that only repeat as a mantra for what is about to come, specific experiences that only you can find the true meaning from them, restless from your daily activities because of that voice in your head that says “there gotta be a different way”. As you face the person in the mirror to see clearly what is holding you down and what make the shift of you to smile from within, only to recognize how relaxed feeling it provide you. So what are the signs that keep showing up for you to lead your life to your destiny?