Thinking process in some level drive from the (Choose yours) :

1.Conscious mind (c.m.)

2.Unconscious mind (uc.m.)

3.Subconscious mind (sc.m)




The human body brain has the responsibility, which it is in-charged by your pure Heart center chakra, to make sure that all the body organs are performing and providing what they needs in order to maintain your physical body. When the brain change its connection with the Heart center, it can cause a fall of the unity between the physical, emotional and spiritual body. All body levels have to share any information that go with open, not block, channel to the brain, which can be good report from one body part or request for assistance, like in a cause of a cut on the skin. It can send waves of thoughts from positive events or negative, as well as emotions, feelings and sensations. Therefore, Each one of us hold within ourselves its own unique universe of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and memories that we collect from our life events. The way each one behave, respond, react or handle their life based on those life events, and shape the way each one make any decision moving forward. While your brain provide its performance from what your body is experiencing, the brain hold another section of 3 rooms within that library collections. Just as your physical body D.N.A. holds your genetic identity, you have also your spiritual D.N.A. that is containing your authentic spiritual identity and the access is available by one of the library brain room. Those 3 rooms, brain sections, are request by your pure Heart Chakra center, to do their duties with clear conscience. Any refuse to perform by this principle, is only challenging what will govern you: either your pure Heart center or the rebellious mind section.

the 3 rooms that need to handle everything with clear conscience are: the Conscious mind (c.m.), the Unconscious mind (uc.m.) and the Subconscious mind (sc.m). Those 3 carry significant part of what nourish the soil of your mind. Yet, one of the 3 is also another level, which actually each one inhabit and inherent, and can be available, useful or can provide with a different way of engaging with life. Those 3 are playing role in shaping the way you see the reality of your life, and the way you view yourself. While each one provides you with guidance or information, those 3 are being held by a thread, as the influence from one can result on how the other 2 will follow up to guide you. You are harvesting from your mind as you aware or unaware, especially from the mind part that you invest your energy wealth in. What you choose by your freedom of choice to put in, which you care to fill up with, will result on either by what can build you from within, or can produce unwanted results. The more that you will take care to keep the C.M. to its minimum basic functions, to eliminate your UC.M. from growing, then you are creating the open access to your SC.M. to be the one that will mostly remind you.

The Subconscious holds the masterpiece of your Soul musical composition, with every musical notion, musical note, sounds or resonance that is part of your Soul, throughout all the Soul cycles, providing the original connection with the divine source, which brings together a great symphony that still playing together. Musical composition from its original positive notes adding other features that only came after, yet the original positive notes are the main ones.

For this cycle of life your soul has agreed to be there is a specific purpose, blue print, plan that the soul agreed to go through by the soul understanding what characters the soul will go through, including the ones that are going to be challenging, but at the same (with no concept of time), fulfilling something that is profoundly for the soul and has a contribution to other souls. The fact that there is a blue print doesn’t mean that you can’t change it. The change must be while taking to a consideration that what’s in the blue print plan will be taking care of, and establishing a wider blue print plan that unfold to a better shift. How come? The freedom of choice was for the soul, and although the concept of the agreement was determent, the freedom of choice is still available. You can still make sure to honor what your soul agreed to, yet to elevate your soul purpose is still part of that unique thing that can be applies at any time and that is by the freedom of choice. When the soul agreed, it didn’t had the full scope of all the beautiful things that were also involved. Best to understand that for yourself: when you planed to go on a vacation, and you wanted to plan to experience certain activities. Once you have been in one of those places or activities during your vacation, the experience itself provides you with so much more information that you couldn’t even think, imagine or be aware about. Going back to the Soul agreement, there is the higher understanding for what the soul prepared to go through. With that, as the assignment is being done, as the Soul works to go through what was expected, with that comes new information that can motivate the soul to have another level of growth that wasn’t aware before. If you brave enough to commit to your original plan here, you deserve to redesign the continuation of your journey, while providing that you are fulfilling the original plan. Freedom of choice opens the door for you to fall or move forward. You are worthy of anything and everything and any design can be modified for a better design (description). If you can reprogram a computer, than you know that you can ask to shift the data of your life for better. You have the freedom of choice and you are capable to manifest that, as all that is available for you in your SC.M. . Like that the quality of your thinking process will not be positive or negative, but the quality on your thinking process will be driving by undeniable truth that need no effort to convince anyone, as the information from the SC.M. is connect to its original source .

Your SC.M. has no concept or attachment to time, like the 2 others. The SC.M. has your unique soul life blue print as it was designed, delivered and designated for you in this body according to a certain moment before you were born into this body. Even though it’s seems that it base on past events, yet for the S.C.M those events are only part of one long continues event that is still being process. The C.M. try to organize things by cataloging or according to the amount of seconds minutes, hours, as part of 24 hours in a day. For the SC.M., there is no awareness of time because the SC.M. carries within your blue print experiences long long long before mankind decided to subject themselves to time. Compare both to a computer that is like your body, and with in the computer there is an operating system. The operating system is what runs the computer, parallel to what the C.M, or the UC.M or the SC.M. has the responsibility to run.

For the C.M. is follow orders and to make sure that from present moment to the next, all is working as it need to, everything is under control, while maintaining the balance with clarity regarding how better to keep you. Doing that with  clear conscience, it keep free space that will allow the SC.M. to assist more.

When the UC.M. find its way to take charge, then it is the most difficult part to go through, and the pure Heart Chakra will keep trying to bring back order. At the moment that the UC.M. is in charge then there is no room for the clear conscience to access. There is no care even for time since the UC.M. has no desire to take on duties, responsibilities or recognizing anything other then what it choose to. The ego as well as other low feelings, emotions and thoughts will keep poisoning, to only expand the UC.M. control, and avoiding the devastation results if that will stay like that. The energy system is being interrupt, creating blockages in some sections, depleting of energy from in other sections, breakup in body connection with spirit and the Soul.

When you reorganized the rooms at your home, taking care to decorate each room with its own special character, or designated each of your home rooms to provide you with a specific purpose. If you will decide to make one room that will not be clean and will collect dirt and garbage, soon enough that room will infect your other home rooms. Like that, with  your care and attention from your pure Heart center with clear conscience to take care of the rooms in your brain, so your ability to regain easy access with your SC.M., and the value for your life will be awake from within, instead of looking for value in physical or materialistic artificial life.