Cause and Effect in your life : (Choose yours)

1.As the eye can see.

2.By the way the mind understand.

3.Has deeper layers then one knows.



In nature you can see and learn how everything has it cause and effect. Nature has its system which in some ways can be pleasant to the eye like blooming flowers or raising sun, and in some ways difficult to see as the wolf that hunt a deer for their survival, or in other ways no logic explanation can be really provide like places of mosquitos which are part of an ecologic way to keep creation happening. like the cycle of the seasons has there cure reasons to happen in the order which they have been around you, some events in your life has been constructed whether by your direct doing or as a result of your action to take a transition to a new moment of experiences with life. Beside what you aware of this life which you are experiencing, you are also carrying with you some personal lessons from past life. Your Soul, while understanding the importance reason for you to be here, seeks to find the good conditions for your personal lessons to be learned. That is why there is a reason for the starting point within a certain body, coming to the environment of specific parents and other preliminary basis facts for the foundations of your life to only evolve by you. Even though you cannot accept some parts of your life experiences, if you will open your Heart to the hidden truth to be unveil for you, then you will be able to see from your wise Heart how to navigate your life from a place of self-love, personal trust and no emotional pain regarding your moments of how you experiencing life to the fullest in every given moment. Therefor, Cause and Effect in your life has more layers then the regular eye can see or defiantly what your mind drive to think about. Understanding that, provide you with the possibility to find the true explanation for what need to be the right Effect that you can create and stop letting the Cause to be the one who will control your personal situation. Your personal lessons will show you what you have forgotten that you know and how you can handle your actions by not taking any personal event in your life as something that might hold you back or holding you down. From here you will be able to know to to save every moment of your life, to save it and not loose it for false personal emotions which can confuse you more by how you react. Saving each moment will let you to enjoy the present moment even in hard personal times just by knowing not to avoid to nurture your well-being to stay calm, positive, optimist and productive in a very useful way. When you accept that everything happen for a reason you will be able to have the opportunity to shape the end result. It is not about learning how to control the situation but it is about how you can handle it from a deeper place of self clarity while even letting higher assistance to take part in the steps moving forward. More to come.