Can you control the end result of your work? (Choose yours) :

1.Have to.

2.Can there be another way?

3.Most likely not.




When you start on a project, you most of the time knows where you are starting from and to what result or to where you want to take yourself. You put all your efforts, your attentions, to achieve what you wanted. Eventually, if you maintain your Heart intentions, if you kept believing in yourself, and you didn’t make conflicting changes, you will get what you wanted. It will not be because you were able to control that, but because you trusted yourself enough that as long as you do your part, providing the hard work, the dedication and your consistency of doing all that, you created something to come for you. You can’t control the end result of what you try to achieve and you should not control it either.
In most of the cases, it will come not as exactly as you wanted it to be. All the unexpected bumps on the roads, the U-turn roads, changes, that suddenly you had to take, the unwanted stops that seems to hold you back, those need to be considered as well. You don’t have to accept them, but have an awareness regarding the possibility of experiencing the unexpected, as you look towards achieving your goals.You should not hold to any level of controlling the end result, simply because you most likely only limits yourselves for what your mind let you think and believe, instead of trusting that there is even a bigger vision waiting to be unveil for you, as long as you stay focus, stay on the path of the original pure values of your work.

Your pure intention is a force of manifestation, and understanding to use it in the energetic level, will help you to get the best results. Your intention as it attached to what you wish for yourself, can attract the good things that intended for you to be, so better to keep the bigger picture not finish by your vision until you will get to your destination. Guard your emotions, as they balance your mind to provide you with the answers from a place of stillness. Like that, you handle what is in front of you, facing this moment, valuing and recognizing how well you move forward with your life towards the direction you want to achieve. Any shift of the direction, you are able to see it as part of the experience.You don’t have answers for some questions that involve with the final results, yet one thing you do have, is the ability to give unconditional Love and trusting yourself. When you drive yourself to get from point A to point B, your eyes are on the road and not wondering what or how it will be when you will get to your destination. Your attention is to what is in front of you, making sure that you will be able to pass clearly and arrive to your destination. Your intention is clear that you would like to get to point B, and for that you trust yourself, you believe in yourself, for doing what it take to get through the road. So all those bumps in the road, are part of the road to your destination.The end result, once you have arrived, can be something different from your expectations, for better or worse by your personal observation. Yet, that is only subjective to your knowledge till you get to point B. Here, at point B that seems to be the “end result”, you are now starting a new moment that will be another chapter, a new beginning, in your life. With that, keep what you know to assist you, but more importantly, be with open mind, kind Heart and the fresh willingness to learn. That new point B that you work to get to, tells you that you have what it takes to get here. From here on, the question is how to put your good work to make this new place your home.