Holistic center

A CALL FOR ACTION (choose yours)

Here I invite you to rethink, take a new perspective, adopt a new approach, pay attention to a topic from a different angle, be motivated, but most of all I hope that certain of the following topics will move you to take positive action. I will try to make them short as “Nano Blog”, to the point so like that I hope for you, the reader, will have your view as well. Sometimes I will approach certain subjects that sounds the same but from another layer of perspective.

To each topic, I will first offer you to choose from 3 different ways of thinking, and the 4th one I leave it open for you, in case you have your own unique view that comes to your mind. Follow by those 4 points to choose from, I will share the view that I see fit with one of the four. If you feel to share your opinion, please use the contact page. Thank you.

In a Chaotic World Having many Responsibilities (Choose yours ):

In a Chaotic World Having many Responsibilities (Choose yours ):

1.Remember to take care of yourself first. 2.Start your auto-pilot right away. 3.Choose someone to take care of you. 4...

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To connect with your Soul Purpose, one should (Choose yours) :

To connect with your Soul Purpose, one should (Choose yours) :

1.Be like a tree that let years of development and become fruitful. 2.Receive inspiration to a Journey from within that discover unique map-road. 3.Let go of all your physical earthy livelihood. 4. ...

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What has winter season to do with Your moods (Choose yours) :

What has winter season to do with Your moods (Choose yours) :

1.Effect your body mind and spirit. 2.It freeze your brain. 3.Forcing you to eat hot spicy food. 4...

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Can One Identify their Life Purpose (Choose yours):

Can One Identify their Life Purpose (Choose yours):

1.By taking full understanding of your outer and internal life and reality. 2.When you are hungry. 3.From personal decisions experience. 4...

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  As you welcome this day into your heart, It might also bring memories from close or far. From someone you miss, or someone that is gone. From a place you dream, or somewhere to be. Joyful feeling or emotional truth. When you hold a space...

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Challenges in each one life provide you with (Choose yours):

Challenges in each one life provide you with (Choose yours):

  Complicates life Stressful life. Deeper awareness of yourself ………………………………………………………………………………………….   The greatness in each living creator, walking on 2 or 4, among many things, is the connection between the body system to the...

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  Gratitude for all of us started from the moment we open our eyes, That first moment of light when we were born. After that first step, Gratitude helped us climb life, empower us to do more. Each day, besides the obvious things we are...

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Unexpected life events that shake your balance, are (Choose yours):

Unexpected life events that shake your balance, are (Choose yours):

1.The ones that stop you from moving forwards. 2.Only making you realize how unworthy you are. 3.Temporary a delay in your way to reach your Goals. 4. ...

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holistic wellness