Act of kindness happen when (Choose yours):

1.Is a choice that available to everyone to go with.

2.One can benefit something from that.

3.Nothing else can be done.



The word kindness is known to all of us, and in some ways seems as if it over rated by many, or because of the difference between what is giving to what is receive in return, it not happen as often as it should be between each one to everything that you are surrounded by from people, animals, planets, environment and any other topic. Kindness is the simplest thread that can connect between us, without any need of cost to make a positive change with someone or for someone. Kindness is a unique way to provide your act of love, a wave of positive energy that start with you and at one point will come back to you. Like the power of love, unconditional love, also act of kindness hold its own strength and good influence in the physical and the energetical level of each one life. Act of kindness manifest the connection between the crown Chakra, the place of your will, with the Heart Chakra, the place of the good intention drive from.

Act of kindness can be preform in many ways from good word, good deed, generosity, good act and so on. Act of kindness can be by offering forgiveness, which will only help to renew and create new life. It has many benefits for both the receiver and the one that care to give it in different levels. The obvious one is on the emotional level where both experiencing a positive emotional within each one. That also result with the feeling of each one regarding themselves, understanding that their personal value is been appreciate by someone else and is been recognize by another person. It helps to provide the mental personal view of both regarding the positive thinking which that act of kindness created on both sides. More so, also on the energetic level the combination of positive emotions, feelings and thoughts push away any energetic blockages which one happen to experiences.

If one wishes to change the world, then no need to look so far but into the type and kind of actions that each one does. The more each of us care to move in this world from a place of kindness, it provide the open Heart of each one to engage and to see around them from a sensitive or empathic place how well their simple act of kindness can create the change that they wish to see. Caring to hold your Heart door open to act from that good place, invite to your life positive experiences that will enrich your life like no material richness can provide or fulfil you with. It provide you with an abundance flow that reward you with inner-peace, self-love, self-esteem and better self-worth. When act of kindness becomes part of your nature, you connect yourself with the Genesis source which the whole world was created by and base on.

There is no limit for how one can choose to perform or to act with kindness, only by the way that one choose to do so. The more that one care to practice an act of kindness every day in their life, the better well-being one is connected with, become more grounded and able to maintain an open Heart with everything that around them. Like that, your act of kindness can inspire others to do the same for others, and a positive energy from that kind of act, create a strong chain reaction that will nourish many that will follow. So plant those seeds that will make the garden of someone life more greener, more brighter and much happier as a result of your personal care to act with kindness. Act of kindness can be as small as a seed, but can grow more than you can anticipate or expected with the impact it can make for so many others. The moment to do it is the moment of now.