To remove negative habits you should (Choose yours):

1.Simply stop doing.

2.Force yourself to change.

3.Hide till you get rid of them.

4.  ……………………………………………………………………………………..


For each one of us, beside good and healthy habits, we also let or invite negative habits to take part in our life. Some negative habits can be really meaningless, but other ones can start by doing or not doing in a small level, and as we continue to practice it, it take its own methodic and build a system which makes you depends on this negative habit. A negative habit can be by doing or not doing, that put a lot of weight on you and mainly taking you away from your good habits. Quick action to remove them will prevent healthy recovery that won’t leave an open door for true change, rather an open door for the exact habit to come back, twice bad than it was part of your life. Lying to yourself by forcing change has the lack of self compassion for truly understanding why in your case you need to remove this habit. Simply declaring that you will let go of this bad habit is away to avoid doing what it takes to make sure that this will not repeat it self. Killing negative habits doesn’t make it better, as there is the big miss opportunity of emotional transformation and the learning experience. Using the concept of dying here is away of the process of letting go, not fast but in progress with preparation. The art process for achieving your dying negative habits, will allow you later to look into those negative habits, like looking into a mirror in your past, only this time from outside, and knowing truly that you are now “home practicing” healthy habits. By dying those negative habits you will put them once and for all to rest, while helping restoring within you the balance of your body, mind and soul.


Dying is, in most cultures create a heavy meaning. While it is not something to ignore, it is a chapter that has its own process and different stages. when someone facing dying, there is a recognition, realization, acknowledgment, acceptance, regrets, grief, self-truth, valuing the gift of life, looking inwards, expression of deep wisdom, aspect of healing, but mainly a transformation. Hence the art process of dying negative habits that will only make you more alive and passionate with your life.


Negative habits can be chronic character in your life story that will invite some undesirable emotions. From starting with something that either you choose to do, or took part, invited to perform or forced you to be involved, can lead for that chronic character of holding to a negative habit. The emotional pendulum here will always swing between the before to the after act of that negative habit because you face its negative impact. When we practice good healthy habits we never have within us second guess with our actions or behavior, as we freely able to move forward on. When it comes to a habit that never intended to be part your nature, there will be always that internal conversation, struggle with your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Emotions that are born from the result of negative habits effect your life as well as your body, keeping you in that prison which you created for yourself and the only way out will be by taking and doing extended steps to break free from those habits. It is in that distance that you go through, that you are able to go fully into the true meaningful change. Like that you are not manipulating or cheating yourself, but giving yourself the fulfillment of facing your wrong doing, able to admit to yourself, while during all this process you stay sensitive to your growth, to your healing heart that originally was part of providing the place for this negative habits.

Your good and positive habits are always in alignment with your heart, as they come naturally from you without any burden, pressure, regret or change of heart. Any negative habit will leave you tired with self disappointment, guilt, low energy, confusion and more empty after practicing a negative one. As you start and then keep repeating doing any negative habit, you are doming yourself to face a broken heart. Broken heart which in the case of a negative habit is a result of how you let your body to cheat on your soul, on how you stole from yourself a path of growth to a fall in a rabbit hole, how you only possessed a delayed time instead of moving forward freely. In this toxic relationship: either your negative habits will eat you slowly from within, or you will decide to break free from them, your choice. The act of a negative habit create within you a broken heart which the main source for the broken heart has been by your actions, by you only. Therefore, the burden for the result of your broken heart is laying on your shoulders much more heavy, since it has it root cause from within, no outside cause to let that,  only you are a reason for that spiritual aspect that you have broken within your heart.

So what better way to be able to start from your Heart center with forgiveness, after such a long self-judging and self-criticism that keep reacting like someone who has compulsive shopping. By facing once and for all the nature of your negative habits, you are starting to be honest with yourself and able to allow the communication for what allows it to be part of you. With that personal honesty, admitting, and facing yourself, you move from self disappointment to personal hope and a positive attitude with better self expectations. If up until now, you kept within you the uncomfortable feeling of your doing, you get to discover your strength from your mistakes. This is a gift you give yourself like no other, that only deepen you to trusting yourself, not on an average level but in an up lifting self-worth. No more competing, cheating or running away from what you know you need to do, instead being able to be better with your life moving forward. Removing negative habits is like making the decision to change your apparel in your wardrobe. Stopping those negative habits makes place for a refreshing outfit that will suit you better and put your heart at ease. Like that, you have faced yourself with honesty instead of failing repeatedly and damaging yourself more than you are aware.

Dying your negative habits gives you to plan accordingly, to prepare better, while having the vision that guides you to look up with clarity. You are acting with yourself in a civilized way, putting a solid spin in your transformation, stopping you from only chasing your dreams to change. That will have a clear fresh voice, an un apologetic voice, that will not be hesitant to admit later that this used to be in your past, but it’s no longer part of you.
Once you face in a slow process, which can be painful, by dying those negative habits, you move with the change that provides room for so much you have been missing out. Dying in this case has the slow, the soft, the stable way to go through the changes in the right timing that will serve you better.

Facing the process of dying your negative habits, secure your future for a smarter practice field, that will make you better qualified for your life role. By facing once and for all, you stop thinking that this is bigger than you, only facing your greatest true abilities. This is not a leap of faith or giving yourself a chance, it is stop giving in and standing tall and doing this with full love for yourself. As you plan accordingly, you raise your self consciousness from your whole internal dying to a dynamic relationship with living your life purpose that has its values, better then mining gold that only fulfill an empty choice. That plan is your new protocol to follow. You can’t reverse your wrong doing, but you can reengineer better the direction of your life.