Love in your life and attraction is base on (Choose yours):

1.Loving the one who is similar to you.

2.Loving The one who is different then you.

3.Loving your self first.

4. ………………………………………………………………………………..



Love is a strong force of energy that exist within each living creature. For humans, it has different layers of Love that only intend to promote the quality of your life. Love is here to promote your life, as it is the root source for the universe creation, which plant in each one DNA the seed of love. As each one grow, the ability to express love can show up in various ways. Those types of expression by the one that express their love, is based on how that individual see themselves which allow the to express accordingly. The expression can attract to someone that is similar to you, or some that is different from you, or someone else-you. Regardless how you express yourself when it comes to the love you wish to share, the love in your life and the attraction can only be real, true and meaningful when you love yourself first. To love yourself is a process of more then an expression about yourself.
Loving someone you feel similar with can has a good potential of growth base on the common ground both shares. For example, 2 people sharing the same faith and that can be their “home base” which they can go back to be reminded what brought them together. When the intention is to create new growth together, then this unity has in both a solid basis in each one Root Chakra and the Heart Chakras between the two become closer and more unify. Loving someone similar can improve both life or can limit each other. If the attraction for someone that is similar to you is base on comfort, easy to get with, don’t require effort, then this will present to both the opposite of the other example, since it doesn’t hold a true foundation to build together. To feel that you prefer to find someone similar is still require something from you.
Loving someone different then you and attracted to, can be a reason to invite growth and fulfillment base on what each other can support or provide to the other. This love must be a two ways between each other, so both are givers and receivers. As long as this symmetry between the two is coming from the care for each one, then even those missing parts in each one are getting the nourishment which both experiencing together. That fulfillment can help to support each one Chakra system that is more stable. Loving someone different offer new direction in your life or it can cause conflict with yourself. When the original reason for the attraction was based on the different aspects along with your insecurity, then after a good beginning your inner conflict will only come to the surface and will present to both some difficulties to face. To feel like loving someone different is still require something from you.
The main true aspect which will allow you to express your ability to love, is when you find first the true honest way to love yourself. To be able to love yourself must come by the inner work that only you must go through in order to understand the meaning of self love. Loving yourself is a form of the individual art to bring to light your identity. Once you understand the true deep meaning of loving yourself, you are in a state of inner peace and self awareness of you as well as of others. Be aware from going in the wrong direction of self love which can lead to narcissism. Self love take the ability to understand also what is self forgiveness and how to be patient with your personal growth. Self love has no string attach to be attracted to yourself or having a type of inclination with yourself. Self love only free yourself from having certain conditions in any relationship, eliminate the idea of condition towards the other person, and preventing a reason for conditions that will limit each one to be their true self. So the only condition that self love provide for the outside is the condition of the pure unity between two.
When you offer love to someone who can’t love themselves, it is like mixing oil with water together. When you understand and practice self love, it provide you the tools to love others unconditionally. You understand how to love someone else from the place that you know to love yourself. When love exist within you, you are able to share that love to the world.