How much do you have control over your life , and what does it means? (Choose yours) :


1.By knowing to do everything by yourself.

2.A full certainty that no mistake can happen.

3.When you care to engage and allow others to assist you.

4. …………………………………………………………………..




Part of each one life is the freedom to be in control of your life. Having this full level of control gives you the courage to move with your life, and to enter places that you want. Being in control of your life comes with full responsibility for what you want, do and say. It is in each one human nature to hold strong to how you control your life. However, it is very much depend on how you interact correctly with the events in your life. While some events simply allowing you to be on your own, other events are giving you the opportunity to understand how the nature of humanity is connected, depend, support and benefit from the unique ensemble that you are part of.

Once you make a decision to go through a transition, whether it’s new job, new relationship, new path, or even a simple process of self care or a health procedure, there is also the level of the unknown. With that, you know that you are about to enter through a door which you, only you choose to open that door, to open that door so you will do what is needed. Yet, fully, you don’t know what is waiting for you behind this door. You, with your intention to choose that door, and therefor, comes with the higher wisdom that you are ready to learn and to receive.One important thing must be identify: there is no way back simply because there is no reason to go back. Forward is the way, as this is the way of life, like the forces within the 5 basic elements of nature that moving forward with the direction of where the energy is, only to honor the force of that element. No energy is wasted if you know that there is no reason to resist the process, as energy is the core creation of any life force in any form that you see in front of you. In the center of the 5 elements you are standing, as each one of the elements here to assist you moving forward.

None of each of the 5 elements has an intention to harm you. However, in the process there is something which is not comfortable, can be painful, or result in a type of what seems as disconnect especially from your Heart center. As you stop resisting, each of the elements provides you with the complete healing process while maintaining the balance with the other elements for your true growth. So much trust is required and requested by you, and the main thing is that you care to do the work. There is a certain poetry in the pain that you are actually shedding off your life story as you doing the hard work. The pain is part of your personal perspective on how you choose or decide to notice this change that you are going through.

Like that, you are not falling in to the illusion of one of the two: “I am a victim”, or “I am not deserve of that”. Here, you know that you are growing, learning, evolving. Here for those two, there is no place, as those two not exist, only your inner belief that you must go through the process, especially when it is painful, and you are completely committed to go through and to do the work. Going through the process, sometimes can be seems like part of you is lost. What seems as lost is actually the realization that you are shedding off what you no longer needs. Here you are suddenly facing what you thought you let go, only to break through a deeper level of what fully need to be let go, whether it is emotions, feelings or something else.There is no limitation for what you can overcome, as you pay attention, listen to yourself, care from your heart to listen to others. Here you recognize by those that surround you, support you, offer new relationships which you are now ready to connect with, to learn from. Mainly here, you tied the connection with those that provide you with anything that could help you. Those are part of your teachers, as you open your heart to learn from those who are offering their wisdom without any reason, terms, or conditions. This is the important part which was actually waiting for you to find behind the door that you entered. As you care to do the work, go through all that process, caring for the teachers as your support and guides, removing what is needed, maintaining the faith in each step, then you will go out from the next door far from when you entered the previous door. You have here also the opportunity to identify when to say “no”, base on your inner wisdom and open Heart that guide you from a humble place without any ego.

Having real control over your personal life is knowing that you are the one who makes the choices and the decisions. With that part of your control is to allow any element to assist as part of the nature of everything, listen to others that come with their skills to help you, learning from those that will be your teachers, even if it meant only for this specific road, asking for help, and questioning not from a place of doubt or fear but a hunger for growth. You are in full control when you care to allow all the outside necessary forces to be unified along your path.This is the mindful aspect of how honest you are caring to control your situation fully by allowing those other people and elements to take part. Remind yourself that part of each one human experience, that you don’t need to do it or to go through it alone, by yourself, rather there is a richness of systems that are available for you to pick up and activate as part of the process of the procedure that you are in, so you can heal, overcome, complete, or achieve what intended for you. You must remember, realize that your full control of the situation is when you see the positive potential that can only grow when you nourish your soil with a stable healthy environment that can only energize your direction to grow.