When someone tells you that the universe call them (Choose yours) :

1.They actually asking you to support and polish their EGO.

2.You understand that you missed that call.

3.You need to update your technology for a better communication.





I am sure that you met, heard or someone that shared with you that “one day the universe was calling me”,  “the universe was telling me” to do so and so . They are actually asking you to support and help them polish their EGO, nothing else.
For each one here, there is a reason to be, and the value, the importance, the work, the assignment that is meant for you, designated for you, is important in an equal way to what the other next to you was assigned to do. For each one soul contract there is already an agreement with an opportunity to achieve a higher purpose of life fulfillment. Once the Soul enters the body there is a moment which everything is being concealed. As a spiritual being that is having a body experience, the first steps are to understand how to better your body experiences. If the body experiences taking more, because of the desire or attachments to physical, materialistic things or activities in this level, then the distance from the inner connection with your soul is farther away. Like that less is being supported to the soul and more is provided only to the bodily aspect of the soul. This work is not healthy, and therefore signs to get back to your heart center work, will be happening only as a reminder regarding the fact that you are worthy of something more than what you hold on as of now.
The more that you start to do your inner work, care to do the personal healing, and understand your personal growth, you are only moving forward to the intersection of your life journey that you will rediscover something that your Soul already knew. In this crossroad point, it is time for you to make another choice, a choice closer to your Heart Soul center, or to take another road. The universe is not “calling ” you, as it is only care to guide you. It is by your inner self work that the next step is part of what was originally designed for you, and now you are taking more responsibility to pursue that. You don’t need to wait for the universe to “call” you. You are worthy just as equally to everyone else, and each one reason, place and purpose, is as significant as the one you agree long long ago, nothing else.Yes, there are those moments for a true “calling “. Those calling starting first as part of internal development, and with higher challenges or “tests” to be more correct. They are assignments to do something that is against your nature, yet has a positive impact for you as well as on others. That kind of calling is very rare, and the receiver will stay humble without the need to tell. It requires an opportunity to act not from the place of your mind or by any logical meaning at first sight. It has the opportunity to achieve something that will take humanity to a better way, different from the nature of everything as it used to be.
In the event of “true calling” , that individual will not say to everyone “I heard a calling telling me to…” . True calling actually comes by guiding that individual to do something far from their nature, to do something that for that individual is completely uncomfortable, is against their nature. Yet this action has 2 intentions: first to help that individual to let go of their old patterns, old habits old mentally or sense of being. Second, is to fully understand what is required. With that, for that individual, their way of speaking change, as it creates space to The Voice only to come through them, their thoughts patterns are no longer as it used to be, while providing the balance of information to support and guide in all times. Here it is when the emotions are unified along with the shift of the Chakra system (I will leave it for now). Their is a total shift in this individual physical needs.
The one that will have True calling doesn’t need to stand on the roof and tell everybody that the universe call them. As they start to act, others will notice, and that will be with a gentle love that cleanse like fire, with gentle love that cleanse like fire. There are more elements and other instruments supporting the process and the work of the one that is being called. It is not a simple call from the universe: “Hello, do this.”.  Intuition becomes clear, like the knowledge of the round earth ; manifestation happens like air turns to water.
When I hear about someone who share that the universe call them, I say : can you imagine if you put the universe on a call waiting, what could have happened?