Where does illness starts (Choose yours):

1.In the body.

2.In the head.

3.In the air.



You are a spiritual being that is having a body experience. As a spiritual being you are Energy, a form of Energy that has several levels. A collective variations of energy with different vibrations, different frequencies, different types of colors, different temperatures. All those are part of your spiritual soul thumb print, and joining for A MOMENT in a physical body. Your spiritual field has at least 5 layers of energetic fields, which each one represents a different aspect of your soul being with the connection to that temporary body you see in front of you. The whole energetic body responds to what the physical body interact, do or experience. There is a direct connection between those two. Illness in most cases is not something that starts within the physical body. The energetic body hold within its levels forms of: emotions, feelings, thoughts, as well as memories and experiences not only of this present body but of past life events.

When there is some un balance, disorder, influence that shouldn’t be, or anything else that effect the energetic whole environment, it start to disturb, to consume, to take negative effects on that specific energetic spot. All that unbalanced condition, most of the time starts due to the physical body behavior, and immediately it has a result due to the conflict body activity, create an imprint on a certain relevant aspect at the energetic level that relevant to that wrong behavior. With time, as it grows on the energetic level, if not addressed either by both bodies energetic or physical, and start to take shape more in the energetic spot, then it can start to show signs on the physical body, which by then the physical body is now create the physical awareness to its individual to take care for the illness or sickness.


The energetic body has also some divisions: one part, which represents the bodily aspect, is in the liver area connect to the blood flow, the spirit part rest within the Heart, while the upper level of the soul rest in the mind. 2 other parts are also above that area. Just like the physical body has its immunity system, also for the energetic whole system there is its energetic immunity system. Both immunity systems work separately and simultaneously. The healing can happen on both levels. However, there is a point where there can be a distance or separation between the two, which can lead to more complex issues. There can be unexpected events which not in direct connection to the individual, but unfortunately will still have the possibility to reach to either one or both systems directly, and with that, it has another way that need to be understood.

For some, illness can come with the soul, as it form into a physical body. The soul with the ill energetic level has a different beginning since it came with the soul from past life, and regarding that, there is a different way and a different system of how things can develop or change.It is the individual one personal responsibility to take care of both physical and energetic body, care for, nourish, provide, do, and build, so less opportunities in any level, physical or energetic, will attract, attach to any of those. As your body is your temple, so there is important view to your energetic whole field. To each one you can care, as well as to both of them in the same time. In the event when the individual is unaware that their energetic immune system is down, the physical body is more exposed to get sick, or to be infected by an outside disease.Base on the fact that everything is as a result of energetic reactions, connections and responses, each one body has its ability to heal itself. However in today’s modern world where the brain is condition to the belief that a pill is the cure, most are not trying to rediscover the energetic body healing source. Keep to nourish your body, mind and Soul with the pure clear nectar that life has given you, and you will build from within a strong healthy system that can stand and protect the body, mind and Soul.