To achieve immortal life is: (Choose yours)

1.By drinking from the fountain of life.

2.Taking all surgical and medical measures for that.

3.When you can have everything.



The pursue for the fountain of life has been in so many cultures, religious, different societies and some cults as important then life itself, and in most cases if not all cases it was for the wrong reasons. Although there is some kind of novelty for this idea, in this materialistic world that we have been, it is an utopia for many and still be unrevealed. Most people are just looking to the wrong direction and from the wrong place. It is real, since immortality has no roots in the physical meaning. Immortality is against the soul purpose or what you would need to pursue in this body. After all, you are a spiritual being that is ONLY experiencing physical life in this body. Yet, there are those who put the last part of the sentence as the first, confusing between the both, or suddenly ignoring, forgetting or neglecting the core of each one life that the body is here to help the Soul to do the work, to offer her service. The body is a material thing that has an expiration, while your Soul never expire. The better you nourish your soul, nourish in the energetic level, the spiritual level, then the body will be at ease with no disease.
Life with service is a part of each one of us, whether we except that or not, We all serving each other, the more we run away from it the more it holding us down. Each one has their own unique spiritual purpose for themselves as well as for the outside, small or big. Both are need to happen as both purposes are working simultaneity and benefit far then each one truly understand. Each one can understand that their service is by teaching, guiding, doing, educating, caring and carrying, nursing, gardening or building even in a metamorphic aspect, awakening, changing, you name it, each one of us here need to support the positive path of humanity. Don’t look at your life as how long you can live, by the number of your years as the important part, but looking at the number of years you are giving to do what you meant to do here, and every new day open another opportunity to do more with kindness.
it is the number of things that you have been being able to do for others, to help change in a positive way for others as well for yourself, the number of the positive things that during your life time you channel for something that is greater then you, you in this flesh. Your body doesn’t belong to you, as it host your soul till it is time for the soul to elevate. When ego take over the purpose of you being here, speaks volumes about how far one can be away from their true path, and towards something that is low and meaningless. No one can live forever, but your legacy can be the one that will have you know for ever. That legacy will be the definition for your name that you will leave for others to remember due to your good deeds and actions.The more one occupied by the idea of immortality, that person is having a very long conversation with their own mortality, and avoiding the purpose of their life, or their reasons to enjoy life.

When one seek to achieve longevity, it is only because that individual has a pure purpose to fulfill and to finish the work that needed to be done. As a seeker, the adventure to pursue with your life purpose will be a Constance growth and finding everyday deeper meaning, new ways of giving from your Heart while knowing your truth, breaking more old patterns and drinking from that fountain of life, collecting more good deeds that will clear out any baggages from the past, waking up for the new day simply to keep doing the good work that your Heart is call for.

when you have a purpose, a good cause, a goal, an intention that will make a difference for others as well to yourself, then you know that your life are worth living.
The difference is when you give attention to your physical needs, at the end you will understand that they were temporary and short. When you care to act with life giving the attention to the core root that hold your body, to your Soul, at the end you will give your soul an eternal life worth livingLife seems to change fast when we are enjoying them and caring for others. On the road we nourish our Heart by performing our loving-kindness. As we look to share our good Heart with others, doing our responsibilities while seeking to fulfill our purpose, we will leave a long lasting mark long long after living life in this temporary body.