Positivity in daily life can be (Choose yours):

1.A denial from your reality.

2.Something that others will talk about.

3.The healthy anchor for stability as you move forwards.



On every day there are, for each one, many events to go through. While some are planed and even anticipated, others can be surprising and unexpected. With each one there is always the respond for that event, follow by the free choice to go on with that event. While some life experiences are easy and simple, other life experiences can be more challenging or complicated. However, while knowing that everything is temporary, that we are moving from a moment to another moment, the more each one can find way to recover by and through the skill of the positivity talent in your inner core, then the view of the world around you will have a better view, and the concept of daily positivity in your life will become the anchor for stability as you move forwards.

We can not be always happy, cheerful and positive, as each one need also to respond to un happy or unhealthy events that happening in your life, but with some ways of measure. Your mind has its own fixated system of thinking that provide you with certain thoughts for what you are going through, and in times of difficulties those can be certain pattern that you are not aware that is even part of you because of how you are so custom and use to have them. Pay attention to your breathing, for example, throughout the day as a measure to identify whether you are connected with yourself, and see how do you breath after you put into yourself some positive thoughts. Notice when hard news comes to you how long does it takes for you to recover yourself from them and what are the tools that you are knowing to put into action in order to remove yourself from going far unaware because of the attachment that has been created instead of the healing and recovery from the event.

 A Chain reaction that you are unaware of, goes in both ways as a direct response, and answer to the level of your thoughts. Meaning, that if your thoughts and behavior are negative and heavy for a long time, then the result will be that it will put a heavy emotional and mental weight on you. If your thoughts are negative only for a short time, as an immediate connection to what gave you the reason to have them, but after coming back to yourself, reevaluating everything and knowing your strength, then your intention to reach to your positivity way of thinking will result for a faster change of how you will determine and design the path that you will continue on. Like so, you are not keeping yourself under some old pattern of fixated thinking, but you manage to challenge your mind to hold to a develop mindset, a transforming mindset that will open for you better ways to view your life, as this Constance develop mindset look through the positivity outlook that you train yourself to practice on a daily basis.

Positivity can be exercise in many different ways: hope, joy, self belief, being happy, optimism, appreciation and gratitude, blessings and other ways that you can find and hold to. The way to practice your positivity in a healthy way is your own free choice to provide yourself a healthier life style, a better immune system for your body, and a better booster of energy for your mind and Soul at your Heart basis. Part of practicing positivity is knowing how to acknowledge both good and challenging time from a positive perspective, when it come the time to provide yourself the answer: how do I move on from here? Like that you are able to collect more blessing on your life journey.

Knowing that an apple a day keeps the doctor a way, then a laughter a day keeps you happier for self and others. Laughter can help you to disconnect at times from problems that you are facing, and let you connect back with the positive side of your essence, your abilities, your inner core that is as a direct connection between the Solar Plexus with the Root Chakras providing the stability for the strength of your surface with the space towards where you are moving forwards. Finding regular ways to infuse your daily activities with positivity will also help to raise your frequency.

knowing the true reality can be more confusing nowadays, but listening to your Heart center without the outside noises, as you connect with that positivity vibration that you already have, then the right answer will not wait long to show up for you. When we know that there is an unlimited ways to empower ourselves, it is only let us see that some obstacles in life can never defeat us, and part of the journey is to know how to enjoy life and experience life with a daily dose of positivity. Doing so, provide you with the idea that good experiences allows you to be free, and let yourself to enjoy in ways without limitation base on the positive view that you are maintaining to hold yourself to.