The process of letting go (Choose yours):

1.After its done you can do whatever you want.

2.By Understanding the Why, what and how to act.

3.Is by finding who to blame.



As we grow and move with life, we accumulate and collect experiences, things, memories and on, which some are well deserve to stay with us while others must be recognize and release them away. As you grow, evolve and change, some of what used to be part of you most likely will not be able to fit or stay as part of your new reality and for those it will be the time to let them go. That process can be simple or can be challenging base on the attachment or the dependence you have with facing you. Once you let go there is another thing that need to be identify: when you let go be aware of what you let in. In the position of understanding that you need to let go, take a deep slow breath to realize what you are opening to instead, even if you blocked everything that has its meaning for what you permitted to be invited. Why to let go? Doing the work internal and external in order to clean yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, Energetically from anything that you used to hold to, but was blocking your inner light to shine out. Doing this cleansing process clear your body, clear your vessel to allow the higher light to come into you and to be part of you.

Letting go is first the realization of the company you have been with, even if that company is your emotions, feelings or thoughts, which those kept you company, not being alone, but being involved with. As you realize that you need to let go, the hidden feeling of loneliness can visit only because of what you got used to be around by, and surrounded with, and by letting go the thought might be that you will be alone (even alone from that emotion or thought), or really? Here are the steps that you guide yourself to understand the meaning of those things you are facing to let go: 1st: what those things meant to you when you were using them, 2nd: what do they mean to you now?, 3rd: how do you see your life without those things?, 4th: how do you see your self moving forward without any of those things no more?

Those 4 steps need to be taken with care, so your purging healing process in the physical, mental, emotional will be complete and without any remaining of trails from the old you as you intend to cut away.

Letting go is more than release, give up, setting free and so on. True letting go is cutting the 2 cords, one of you that was feeding that specific connection, the other cord that was holding on to you.In order to really let go you need to decode the cipher of the relationship that you have been having till now with that individual or partner or habit, emotion, feeling, thought, behavior, item or what ever it is.One way of letting go is to know how to let go of the outcome of what you are involve yourself with. When we start something new, we tend to hold with expectations for what it will be. The reality is that you fully and truly can’t know that until you will get there. Best to act as you are able to let go of that outcome, to take the pressure off, have more faith, keep doing your job, staying grounded and connected with what your intention took off originally, so there will be that fresh energy with you when you will get to the end result. When you hold to the outcome you are not seeing how much you are actually being in between your own way to get to your destination, so let go of the outcome, keep focus on the job with trust and faith.

Letting go of people that are not contributing to your personal growth. Starting with gossip people, people who doubt you, question you, try to control you, limiting you, engaging in negative behaviors, not distinguishing between right and wrong, draining you, heavy on your heart.

True letting go is a breakthrough moment that taking you through the change, help you face the struggles that kept the complications heavy on you, and not able to simply relax or breathe. Another valuable letting go is to let go of the desire to pursue the dreams and goals of others instead of your true personal goals and dreams. Trying to be like that person or to idle someone else tells you that is time to let go. Yes, that person can be your inspiration, but make sure to find your special voice that will lead your authentic life. Like that you are able to  acknowledge for yourself  “Out with the old, open FOR the new“.

Sometimes what we want is not always what we need, which result in the action of change that will allow us to clear the way, to tune with your true knowing that beat clear from the center of your Heart. Recognizing for yourself the difference between what you want to what you need, will open your Heart to see on one hand what clearly you need to remove from yourself in any level or any aspect, and on the other (better) hand what you actually already have with in you as to what to add or perhaps to polish from within and to let it once and for all to shine.

Letting go when you are dieting has also a personal care and inner work to gain the good results not just on the physical level. But, similar to someone that start with dieting, same experience can happen in another aspect of personal growth.Letting go when you embark on to your spiritual growth has all those elements and the commitment that you must take, has it obligation for what you agree to. Starting a personal journey of a spiritual growth is not like adding a coat or a garment over you, but shielding off and removing away so much, just like monks as they shaving all the hair from their body creating a physical symbol to what the internal change is processing. This deep level of letting go will start the independence and deeper connection with your Soul Star Chakra. In this deep personal activity as you move between the mundane life to the new reality while staying focus, so you don’t let any outside interference to bring down the earthly needs back to your reality, or wrong actions to take place, but pursuing to refine the center of your Heart.