Your personal goals in life starts with (Choose yours):

1.Work, money, success.

2.Providing yourself the personal care for your whole well-being.

3.Being best and first in everything.


Each one needs to have goals, and to understand the starting point of your goals is your good starting point with everything else. The first and main goal from a selfless place of your Heart center must be the ability to provide yourself the personal care for your whole well-being. No other goals can be really achieve or can be done by you, if you neglect to understand the importance of your well-being, of your inner peace and of your ability to enrich yourself with self-love. Your main priorities regarding your goals starts with your personal connection with yourself and priorities the good conditions to maintain your well-being. From here, the soil is fertilize to allow your potential to grow in many aspects, you will be able to be share with others your whole-self in a generous way, you will be able to transform your life from a positive good place, as well as to be present and available for others in their life, you will be able to create new beginning from a safe place and not as a result of avoiding things that you where aware of, or to recreate again opportunities that you are able to attend to from your pure Heart center, from a place of having a good appreciation for yourself, and how you can benefit others from your inner stability.


Everything starts within you, and when you are content with your inner self, there is a personal validation for your self worth and no wind will be able to ripped your roots from your ground. You are a seed of light and love. The more you will nourish your seed with self care of self love, the better place you will be able to forgive yourself when its needs, to forgive others faster and easy, to provide your love to others, your kind words to those who need to listen, your attention for what truly makes a difference in your life and will support others on the way, will allow you to create more new healthy seeds of good new things that you are not aware that you have them. Your Energy centers will have a better balance and less blockages or connections with energies that not healthy for you

Like that, you also connect with what you have as your personal belief, and put that in alignment with your care for what is beneficial for yourself to create that space and to allow you to care for yourself, to have a solid foundations for how your immediate goals are staying with you, staying true to yourself and providing other goals to build on the basic foundation of your personal self care. By doing so, you stay resourceful to yourself, aware of what need personal attention or need to be change or be removed, so later you don’t need to give personal time to fix something within you which you have neglected to care for when it happened but to be grateful knowing your true self and grateful for everything you are experiencing.

 From here your personal connection to your Full potential, your best self, your soul purpose will come from that clear deep place that you have establish by the healthy personal relationship that you learned to provide yourself with, from your Heart center, knowing that it is not just for your own personal benefit but also for the gain of those that will be by your side. You will not find yourself reacting to events in your life, but approaching your life events from that inner peace that you care to nourish.