Where one abundance start from (Choose yours):

1.From hard work.

2.By what your Heart gives.

3.Base on out side conditions.



In today life most of societies put the emphasis on the materialistic value that each one has, and as a result that create for each one the understanding for the need of abundance especially in the physical level, while neglecting to appreciate the abundance that is within. When you understand your connection to abundance then you can also understand how you activate the law of attraction to answer for your actions and to work with you to create, keep and to find the true abundance that you need and not what you desire, which only limit you. When you understand at the beginning of your day that you are already full with profusion from the center of your Heart, you are keeping the river flow in your life with all that you truly needs. That is the starting point for the trust that you use to the movement of the law of attraction that will keep that flow open channel in all aspects of your life, as abundance is not the essence of the materialistic meaning of it, but more then that.

Abundance need to have a beginning with your state of mind that is rooted in your Heart center knowing that you live your life with grace and gratitude for all that you have, from your health, your physical condition, your personal status. The more that you are giving a materialistic meaning to abundance the more that you are missing out from the abundance that is trying to come for you. Abundance in all its forms and shape is an energy that is being manifest for you, and all you need to do is to keep your Heart center in the right vibration, expressing self awareness of already having everything that you need, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and keeping that vibration from your Heart center without creating personal blockages to prevent from yourself to receive what originally belong and meant to come to you.

Physical wealth doesn’t have a direct connection to one person happiness. Happiness is a form of abundance that no matter what is your financial situation is, as long as you keep your Happiness happening in a natural way, you are bound to connect with many different levels of abundance such as with your health, and everything else. Happy people never look for gossip as a source for prosper or using ego for growth. The way that you invest in your habits of thinking, will produce a result to how abundance will connect with you in all aspects of your life. In this capitalistic world that have been brain wash the nature of society, it create a gap between the individual to the pure essence for the relationship one should have with abundance, and in most cases only elevate an expression of ego that one hold to, while distancing from the pure wealth that one hold from within.

Sometimes, you avoid seeing what is in front of you, what you have already and need to appreciate from a humble place, even for the simple things that you have been taking till now for granted. When you start your day holding your cup full instead of empty, you connect with the law of attraction in a vibration to provide you with a full cup in all aspects of your life, when mainly offering more the importance practice that you care to nourish yourself with self-love and with unconditional love to all that are with and around you. Your Heart center is the bell that you want to echo to the world with the richness of your unconditional love, that you appreciate from an honest and humble place for your life and care to share with others. The activation of unconditional-love from the inner share of your self-love will give you the seeds of prosperity to reach the soil for everything that is in your good fortune.