The medicine you use for your wellness (Choose yours):

1.Base on any kind of substances.

2.Rely as much as possible on your natural resources.

3.Comes from others behavior.



Our well-being and each one wellness drive mainly on what we feed ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally. Sometimes you are not aware for certain things that you feed your whole self in different aspects, or how you create within yourself a law of attraction for things that your well-being can live very well with out them. By taking personal observation you can start taking the steps to remove any thing which doesn’t benefit you and only draining your energy. This can be by what you eat, how you behave, what methods of emotions and feelings you drive by, and how to hold more to the good and healthy resources that can support your whole self.

Most important for each one personal work and understanding that you provide personal care not just for your body, to your outside shell, but giving the care for what your soul need from the energetic fields, and attention from your Heart center for how to keep your Mind healthy with good positive thoughts. Like that, the law of attraction that your whole being attract, will be a full package that will keep molding a healthy structure outside and more solid and grounded from inside.Those energetic fields that you will find time to care for (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, physical, astral) as well as any of the Energy centers (known as Chakras- much more then 7, much more) those two systems, as they work together in symbiosis way, each system benefit from the other, each system grows to support the other, and as a whole, those 2 will open portals to your livelihood, guiding you with realistic principles and abilities to speak your truth with statements that their standards can be heard even from a soft loving voice.

A good sharp sword holds its strength not in its sharpness but what its concealment like a sheath. The same good goes to you: when you care to nourish your Soul and mind from your Heart, and care to provide healthy good habits to your body, it provides and create a law of attraction to stand against any parasites, fungus, blood-suckers, viruses, illnesses or negative attachments.

Avoid at any cost: stay away from those who want to gossip about others, as they only want you to miss out from their false. Those you understand that they lie to you, sometimes there is no point even to prove them for their lies, because they choose to act like that, and for you it is only a good lesson to put Healthy boundaries with them as you move forwards. Avoid bullies, as what they see in you as your weaknesses, you should realize how Bless you are, and you need to bring those “weak” points to mold to your benefit from your Heart center. Avoid any violence against or with others. Know your enemies, build healthy strong emotional system from your Heart center, and therefore compassion and humility towards them, as they no longer be able to transfer their pain and suffering to you, no more.Speak your truth with care and respect. Those voices that speaks against or opposite then you, won’t stand the growth of your honest dedication. Believe in yourself also when things not going your way, as your continues attention for your good actions will bring eventually the good results for your labor of work. keep the motivation happening from within, and by the support system you have from those that will encourage you to take chances on yourself, simply because it is your prerogative to grow in all aspects of your life. There is always something new that you can nurture yourself with.