The exploration of relationship, start when you (Choose yours):

1.Have someone.

2.Be depend on others.

3.Start building the relationship with yourself.



Each one of us in involve in many and different kind of relationships. From friendship to romantic, work obligation, empathy or with passion, something that is playful or a type that is enduring, a kind that is selfless or the one that is obsessive, and so many different other relationships. It is part of any social form interaction that can be for something temporary, or something that will have a long lasting connection. It is in outside life as well as what you come to know about your true self. It can be pure and innocent, or it can be influence and distractive. Whether it is something near by that has immediate interaction or a kind of a long distance, a kind that has benefits for one or both or going in one selfish direction. The experience is different and therefore, the expression that comes with that has its own personal meaning and interpretation.

Creating new relationships starts as 2 painters standing in front of a blank canvas and each one offer to use certain colors and to paint on that blank canvas the personal expression from what they feel towards the other or as a result of what they share with the other. The colors that are being used can transform from one to a different color, from colorful to vibrant, from colors that has no meaning to colors that create a strong vibrant expression. With also the stroke of the lines, the shapes and the content of the colors as they come together on the blank canvas from each one and providing the big picture for the shared relationship those two shared. Also in front of the blank canvas can be more than just two, a group that has their meaning to create or do something, but each one in that group hold and ready to share their unique colors that all together will bring from the group the results on that canvas, providing the meaning of that group as one unit.

A different work of art is when you are able to paint on a blank canvas the personal connection that you know to identify that you have with yourself. That is something so private and has its own independent subjective observation, but can be observe by the viewers as something different from what the owner of the personal portrait was offer to give to the viewers. Knowing to put yourself with full colors and full expression, will let yourself to realize the different aspects that you have within you, or to bring to the light certain aspects that till now you were unaware that were there, and giving yourself a better look about everything that you hold within yourself. learning like that to value yourself, to understand better what parts of your life needs more colors, or what parts of your life need to heal yourself from, so a positive joyful paint will be the one that you can fully present and share with all. After you think you are able to look at it, meaning to look inwards at your whole self, step aside and observe the picture from an objective eye, and understand what you see now? that understanding will provide you the answer for how others see you, base on what you present on the canvas. You will be able to understand the contradictions between the subjective eye to the objective eye that you can honestly feel, from within your Heart find to learn to yourself.

The Art-Work that you can do to really build the relationship with yourself, help you to first be grounded and rooted with your personal domain and space without the need to run away from yourself or to look out to be as someone else. It is that personal relationship that will allow only positive colors from your Heart center to be brush on the canvas, that will allow to remove colors of any unwanted voices or heal yourself from dark colors of feelings that has been within your Solar-Plexus. It is your personal attention to the kind of colors you are using every day to create the picture of your life, and how you have the opportunity to change what its need by doing the personal art-work it is asking from you, so there will be a clear and honest picture that you have paint and fully standing within that picture.