Negative thinking influence your (Choose yours):

1.Emotions and feelings.

2.Body Mind and Soul.

3.Physical and Energetic bodies.



Sometimes we get trapped with personal form of thinking that has the opposite benefit for our well-being, and keeping us down or block as a result of our habit to keep visiting those thoughts, which can be recognize as negative for our personal growth, as limiting our self confidante, as taking our inner balance from its cure place, as major influence on different levels not just on what we are aware regarding ourselves, but also on what we are allowing under our surface to prevent from our voice to be heard, or our Heart to guide us from a pure and un-attach place.

When negative method of thinking start to happen from within, whether it is about yourself, or in regarding to someone you know, or in regards to something that you care for, or any aspect that you find it impacting your life, that negative method of thinking will slowly will start to develop roots to your emotions and feeling, will influence the positive self-awareness of your body, mind and soul, and without your awareness will impact your 5 energetic layers around your body, as well as within your physical body, down to the function of your body cells and the organs of your body.

That is also one way of letting certain diseases to happen within the body. A disease that can start not as something physical right away, but under the surface, as it being fuel directly from those negative thoughts. Unaware or not addressing those negative thoughts with care or with support, lead to unexpected results that were never intended to be, but the influence of those negative thoughts has ramifications more than one can be aware or understand for themselves. Even though one might say that this negative thought only brought one type of personal response, as long as you keep entertaining yourself with those negative thoughts, you allow it to create within you illnesses that are not just as what you consider to explain as natural events, but actually due to what energetically those negative thoughts carry with them to you as a whole.

Once a negative thinking is happening, identify it for yourself. Take a moment to recognize how it change your behavior, your mood, your inner peace. Take the time that you need to address that specific negative thought, while remembering that what ever brought that negative thought to your personal awareness is now belong to the past. All that is remain is the impression and how you are handling and dealing with it. As you care to analyze for yourself what you need to do to change that negative thought, you become more aware of the positive thinking that you are able to provide yourself as an immunization for that negative thinking and as a medicine to maintain your whole self connected to your pure Heart center from a place of compassion, humility and higher understanding.

There is no reason to immediate deny them or to resist them. Each one is being challenge daily by negative thoughts, and your personal attention for positive action will stop those negative thoughts to become more than what they are. As long as you reach to your Heart center, you are able to clean from your Solar plexus and un wanted feelings, to remove from your Heart any hard emotions and you will be able to speak your truth with better clarity and kind voice. This is how you keep yourself grounded and connected with your pure inner truth.