Creating your personal time-capsule (Choose yours):

1.Will not provide preservation of everything.

2.Be part of the legacy you create.

3.Offer others to learn about your principles and main character.



Through out the many and different chapters of each one life, there are personal things that each one remember to carry within their Heart, to hold to, to identify with, to share with others and to preserve them. Those can be materials items, emotional things, habits of thoughts, specific kinds of feelings, and adopted behaviors that keep you either moving forward or surviving though your life. Some of those items you understand for yourself very well how they kept you alive and let you know how to engage with life in a positive way. Therefore, as you accept that nothing was wasted, then nothing was lost or taking from you, but provide you with a clear treasure personal chest, for what you know to yourself to protect, even if some of that cannot be preserve for generations to come, but at least for those that will have the opportunity, it can be still something that worth for you to maintain and share.
 Fossils holding imprint of the past shape in forms that provide a glimpse to how they look in the past. In some cases the fossil can lead to a better understanding by the trace of evidences that comes along, and share something that has forgotten, yet tells what on hands to understand, what to do or what to avoid. Like that, to rediscover the core of an issue by removing the causes, and to see beyond the results, allow you to understand for yourself what you better let go, release and remove from yourself, as certain things only prevent you from living your life to the fullest, while certain things enrich your life and keep the richness of your life in a sustainable and healthy way.

This personal work, is your way to do inner energy work, allowing you to recognize what you have transform to a healthy behavior that can be understand by retracting the steps back, only to move forward more light with what you need to hold and have within you.A time capsule of event that has been preserved untouched, and then something trigger it, to turn back time and to bring from the past that event, gives you the objective opportunity to reflect back with more clarity and the option to take or remove it from your life. It will give you the ability to let this event retold with a significant meaning for your life. You open life events to become part of your evolutionary changes. As you move forward with your life, swim through the waves of emotions feelings and thoughts, while some still remain unresolved, unhealed, some better have your attention.Your nerves system is connected, move, act, adjusted, recover, but also keep memories from many life events, good as as well as other events, can also trigger you in different ways. At times when your emotions were as a destructive tornado, letting unspoken territory to be broken down, moving only to realize that you are even deeper down then before, there is nothing wrong when you understand that it is time to press the reset button, to stop, to collect all your pieces, all the pieces, the good, the less ones and the less known. This is the moment that you can go through the revolving doors, into a new beginning. Between the past towards what tomorrow holds, so even this moment that can be a long moment of accumulating time, let you make peace with yourself, to take responsibility and ownership. Like everyone else, no one is ever perfect, but we can appreciate what each one heart hold and accomplish. Hold ownership on your life, find the inner friend within you, that you has extraordinary qualities that can motivate you.

Let’s keep the personal growth, and work to unveil the next best version of ourselves. Let’s do the best to make it better for ourselves, and therefore, for those that comes to our life, taking one day at a time, capsule the moment, knowing that your past can be only the trail crumbs that you will leave for the future to find. Through the dry winds of the desert, your heart beats to your awakening soul. From there, you might swim against the current over the dunes, yet your soul moves forward. And as the wind remove the sand, the skeleton that you care to build within, will be the framework for others to see in your personal time-capsule.