Facing personal change (Choose yours):

1.Can be avoided.

2.Only when you are prepare for.

3.Needs your approval.



Change is something that is constant, it is progressive, it is always evolving and it is essential part of each one of us. The special thing with change in each one life, is how each one choose to approach it. While change is always happening, it has its own flow for each one, and with that, providing the flow for the changes that you personally seeks, while at times you can find yourself in a place that you never thought to be, yet down the road, looking back to some major changing moments in your life, you are able to understand that old big picture of that past event, how it was actually something that had to happen to bring you to your personal awakening and awareness towards the steps that you felt force to take, but the result brought you to new place in your life.

Change happen to each one of us naturally as we grow up from a toddler to adult. This kind of change we tend to take almost unnoticeable, in most cases. Where for some, there can be a personal struggle to step into the new present time of your personal growth, for others taking personal acknowledgement and acceptance provide a better personal adjustment and equipped you with better tools to do what you understand that you need to do.

There is always healthy ways to create inner rebirth, to renew your livelihood, just like in nature. Like in nature, change comes with outside support by rain, sun, soil and more. Therefore, for each one of you, will be good to identify your support system that is around you, that is already active in a vibrate way to provide you the maintenance that you need, to provide you with the support that you seek in order to build yourself and to add healthy building blocks for your personal growth in any measures that you seeks, whether it is physical, mental, spiritual or emotional. The better ways you engage your life with circles of stability in all spectrum of your well-being, you maintain your wide range of inner peace to stay grounded and to be fully present in the moment, without looking at your past with despair, or looking toward your future with anxiety. Your present moment become more vibrant, current and true for your reality, and with that, will only lead you to gain your personal prevails within your life, as you know to honor with humility your true self, and stay humble as you trusting the process of your life journey.

Pay attention to your Heart center and what emotions it provide you regarding certain changes you are aware that you need to take. Pay attention to your Solar plexus, your gut feelings, and identify to yourself those feelings that not necessarily make you feel comfortable, but that make you feel true to yourself for doing what you feel to do, even if you know that it will not be comfortable at the beginning, but it will pay off further, not only for yourself, but for many others who will benefit from that, and whom will appreciate your change and personal growth. Have no reason for fear of change, only build your strength to allow yourself to keep growing.

Remember: You are a force of nature, and like so, you have your seasons. As a force of nature, you can be effected by others seasons if you are not aware and don’t maintain your inner garden. Your pure Heart center, in your inner garden, care only to build you, and to connect you with those that are truly part of your personal growth, from a pure place of stability and connection with all what you needs. Your inner growth always happen from everything that you are experiences.