Can you make a difference in the world (Choose yours):

1.Too much to ask from one person.

2.Trying to make a difference for myself.

3.There is nothing to risk when it comes from a good place.


No matter what is your social economic status, the position at work, your physical type of body, your I.Q. level,  you have all that it takes to make a difference in a positive way, and it could be that that positive act will make a difference in the world you live in. For each one of us there is our individual box of things that we asked to handle through our lives, to deal with and to care for our own needs. That is all good and important for being able to live life to the fullest and create a better reality every day. However, one more good way to know your self value and to understand better what are your good qualities, is by going beyond yourself and giving an attention or action towards something that can have a positive impact for someone else or others.

By a simple smile, saying a positive word to someone, helping others, donating your time in a place that need extra hands, doing an act of kindness for a friend or someone without the need for acknowledge or something in return all that can create a big difference for someone who doesn’t have the confident or shy to ask for help or feeling apart from what is going around them. Your positive connection can create a new sense of hope and belief for the good that still exist in this world.Those acts, big or small boost your positivity, letting you understand what kind of magic you have within you, and the ripple effect that it can do on those who benefit from you, will never go wrong. It will give you a better outlook on what is really important in life, will help you practice a better system of “letting go” only because you are able to value and put things in a better perspective due to your character to go out of your way for someone or something else, even when it has no direct connection for you, no personal benefit from that, nothing really in return, but the understanding that your actions actually provide a positive result for someone or something else. Like that, don’t be discourage from starting or doing something that your inner Heart guide you in that positive direction. If it comes from your pure Heart intention, then the end result will be only good, just wait and see.

Also to make a difference in the world can be when it is something that can benefit you. Its all right to say “I am sorry” first in a situation that you know that you are not the one who need to say that. Forgiveness hold no act of heroism, but helping building bridges and hope for new beginning. Taking the responsibility to correct things in a relationship to help support a positive development. you can make a positive difference in your personal environment and to increase the space of the positivity that you are able to spread in your area. That will always let others in your circle to learn from you and to do the same in their inner space, and like that you both will share a good strength of connection in both inner circles, and the impact will keep feeding you and motivate you to keep on staying in that path. Give it a try, I might learn something new from you about you.