Setting Boundaries from a place of (Choose yours):






In some events and moments of each one life, part of understanding how to speak your truth from a pure Heart center and to act in modesty, there is a need also to use the healthy method of setting Boundaries not only for you, but for both sides that are facing a certain situation, so the level of communication and the mutual respect between both parties will stay always open and will help each other to know how to engage or connect with the other side, while remembering what must be respect, what to avoid, what to value and what not to take for granted regarding the other one. The mutual and the common things with boundaries for all of us, is that each one of you face the first time dealing with boundaries in your early childhood from your parents, and as we grow up we either copy the same pattern or learn how to use them as needed in a healthy method. Sometimes the use of boundaries can be as a guided line to establish much closer relationship as between a parent to a child, sometimes those boundaries come to maintain the connection both shares, and sometimes those boundaries provide with a healthy environment for each one to know their opposite side with more clear understanding of healthy roles of engagement. Boundaries are not a tool to put fear, to punish or to take advantage on the other person, but to create a positive way both can understand how to engage with honor and respect.

When you set your Boundaries from your pure Heart center, you make sure to approach any situation with honesty and free of judgment. Like so, your boundaries will have a stable and reasonable structure of Compassion, Balance and Protection for both sides that need that, and maintaining a place of equality and humility without given to either one any superior position just because those set of boundaries have been set, or feeling less valid due to those boundaries. The Compassion provide the true care to understand each other place. Expressing Boundaries with a sense of balance hold a straight line of connection that each side can feel comfortable and can be recognize with their own actions as well as how to act with respect to the other. Protection in any boundaries create the healthy place for each one to feel more comfortable and to be themselves while honoring the other side for what they are, and not using that from a selfish place but from a place of mutual awareness for each one qualities, abilities and space.

Each one of those 3 represent a group of activations that will come as a result of using those 3. Compassion holds within itself the act of sympathy, pity, empathy as well as commiseration. Balance offer a place of equalize, neutralize, harmonize and a place to offset any personal perspective that try to invite the ego to feel hurt for no reason. Protection helps to guard each side to an awareness for their actions in the situation both are going through, to secure the safety and peace of mind in case one of the sides felt unsecure, to shield both from any negative behavior that neither each one want to express, and as a safeguard to preserve both side in the right path. Like that, you make sure that both sides needs will meet, instead of any personal needs that are trying to take over. Those main 3 tools help to define healthy boundaries, and will keep both in a place of acknowledgment instead of a place of denial by one to the other. As you use those 3 tools to set any boundaries, you show that you care for the other side well-being just as you seek to care for your own well-being. The more that you will use those tools in case you need to set Healthy boundaries, the better you will help the situation you and the other side going through to be resolve in a positive way for both.